Page 61 of Nikolai's Baby

He gives me a look like I’m the stupidest person he’s ever met. “I’m not the least bit surprised, Dream. Like, not at all. In fact, I want you to know that I can hear you two pretty much every night, so you should probably try lowering the volume a bit.”

My cheeks flush red hot from embarrassment, but I shouldn’t really be surprised that Eddy knows what Nikolai and I have been up to. We haven’t exactly tried to hide it, and Nikolai is notorious for spanking me without checking who else is nearby.

“Well, you definitely can’t come to our little Cinco de Mayo party if you’re pregnant. Though, judging by how protective Nikolai is of you, I doubt he would’ve let you join, anyway.”

“I don’t know if I’m pregnant, and I can’t just tell him about it either,” I say.

“What do you want me to do?”

I glance over my shoulder to make sure nobody else is around, lowering my voice to keep this between Eddy and me. “Just… help me out with this. I need to go buy a pregnancy test, and Nikolai and Jasha need to think we’re just going out to get food or something.”

“I guess we could do that.”

“Can you also tell Nikolai that we’re going to the grocery store for something? I don’t know, something he doesn’t like. Mushrooms or something. I’ll just get in the car and wait for you.”

Eddy chuckles as he gets up from the grass. “You can’t even look him in the eyes. And I’m pretty sure he likes mushrooms.”

“Then I guess you know him better than I do,” I reply in a haughty voice as I turn and walk away.

Once inside the car, I wait with bated breath for Eddy to join me. He likes driving around, especially if I let him listen to the music he likes, so I doubt this is going to be any sort of annoyance to him.

But to me, the drive is weighing so heavy on my chest that I feel like it’s going to crack my ribs. I can hardly stand the way the seconds ooze by as Eddy goes inside to inform Nikolai that we’re leaving. It’s even worse that I’m going to have to pee on a stick and wait for the results.

After what feels like an hour, Eddy slides into the driver’s seat and pushes the key into the ignition.

“What took you so long?” I ask, buckling my seatbelt.

“I was in there for like two minutes,” he replies, looking at me like I’m crazy. “I had to tell Nikolai we were going to the store, and Jasha wanted about fifteen different things.”

“And Nikolai didn’t want anything?”

“I asked him, and he said he wanted some peace and quiet.”

My laugh comes out as a messy snort.

When Nikolai isn’t busy fucking my brains out, he’s acting like an old man. It’s one or the other, and since I’m in the car with Eddy, he’s in old man mode.

There’s a charm to it, of course, but I don’t even think Nikolai realizes he’s doing it.

My amusement quickly fades as we hit the main road. Eddy tries to make small talk about the weather and the general vibe of living in Mexico, but I can’t sustain anything more than a few comments here and there.

I’m thinking about the pregnancy. I know in my heart that I’m going to have Nikolai’s baby, and I feel guilty for being a little excited about it. I don’t even know if Nikolai wants to have kids. There’s so much we haven’t talked about, and even though he’s gone from my worst enemy to my most passionate lover, things are always capable of changing.

I just don’t know how he’s going to react to being a father, and that’s terrifying.

And because I don’t know, my relationship with him is suddenly on the line, hanging by the thread of his reaction to the news. I’m not giving up our baby, and so it’s up to him to choose.

Accept both me and the child, or walk away with neither.

I place my hand on my belly as Eddy pulls into a Walmart parking lot. Enough hypotheticals. It’s time to learn the truth.

Inside the store, my eyes dart nervously around as if expecting someone who Nikolai knows to pop out from an aisle and report back to him. Eddy seems to sense my unease and puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I give him a smile that probably resembles a grimace more than anything else.

The temperature is a stark contrast to the heat outside. By the time I find the aisle with the pregnancy tests, my entire body is covered in goosebumps. I grab the first test I see, twirling around on my heels to find that Eddy has wandered off.

He’s probably off looking for the things that Jasha wanted.