Page 48 of Nikolai's Baby

Finally, he leans down and captures my lips with his, kissing me with a passion that leaves me breathless. It’s a kiss full of promise, full of desire, and full of something deeper that neither of us wants to put a name to.

When he pulls away, I’m left feeling like we’ve written our names in blood together. I know that we’ve crossed a line, and there’s no going back.

“We should get some rest,” he says, his voice husky. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

I nod, still lost in the feeling of his kiss.

He’s right. Tomorrow we’ll be facing danger, but tonight, all I can think about is the allure of the man standing before me.

And I want him again.

This could be our last night, after all.



The sun is like a demon peeking through the clouds as morning arrives too soon. Dream is sleeping next to me in the car as I drive to the airport to pick up Jasha, and part of me wants to throw Dream on a plane and take her back to the United States so we don’t have to go through with the deal.

But that would mean leaving Eddy to die, and I can’t do that.

Everyone walks out of here alive today. We make the deal, then we start working on a plan to take out the Cartel.

I’ve not told Gabriel about what’s going on because I can’t figure out what to say. He’ll pressure me to keep the drugs, and I can’t do that without risking Eddy’s life. We’re going to have to make the trade, and then we’re going to have to get them back.

I just don’t think Gabriel is going to agree to something like that.

So, I haven’t told him. He still thinks we’re busting down the doors to the Cartel’s headquarters on Monday and killing everyone inside. In and out. That’s what I told him, and as far as I know, we’re still doing that.

We’ll just have Eddy with us for intel.

Maybe it’s better this way, after all.

I look over to Dream and envy her ability to sleep at a time like this. Admittedly, I should be tired too, especially after the crazy sex we had last night, but I have no time to rest. I’ve been discussing the plan with Jasha for the past few hours, adamant about getting every last detail right.

There’s no room for error.

My knuckles are white on the wheel, and I can almost feel the leather crumble under my grip. Every passing mile is another reminder that I can’t turn back. Once we pick up Jasha, we’re driving straight into Dimalona – Cartel territory.

The road is empty in front of me, but my mind is cluttered. It’s never been this bad. I’m usually able to create a narrow focus, one thought, one goal to focus on.

Today, I have too many, and they’re battling in my consciousness for the throne.

Dream is the most important. She needs to be safe.

And then there’s Jasha. I still owe him that stupid bottle of mezcal with the worm in it.

And then Gabriel. The bastard. He’s going to want his cut once we go after the Cartel.

And finally, Eddy. If it wasn’t for him, I would never have met Dream. I can’t blame him for the situation that he’s found himself in. To do so would be to curse the connection I have with Dream.

I roll my tongue over the back of my teeth as we approach the airport. For a moment, I’m able to forget about everyone and watch one of the planes as it lands, wondering if it’s Jasha’s.

Dream sighs in her sleep but doesn’t wake up. I wish I could be in that seat, wrapped in blissful ignorance, dreaming things that have nothing to do with drugs and violence.

But I’m the boss.

And the boss never sleeps.