Page 41 of Nikolai's Baby

Tears come to my eyes as he nods in understanding. I don’t want to cry in front of him like this, but I can’t stop myself. I’m going to ruin my makeup.

He pulls me toward the warmth of his chest, wiping away a tear that escapes down my cheek. “But you can’t live life in fear, Dream. Not everyone will hurt you. You have to take a chance sometimes.”

“You say that now,” I reply, taking a deep breath to stop more tears from coming. “But what about when all this is over? What happens to us? Will you just walk away, leaving me alone again?”

His eyes widen, and he shakes his head earnestly. “I will never abandon you. I promise.”

“You can’t promise that,” I say, pulling away. “You don’t know what the future holds.”

“I know what I feel, and what I want,” he insists. “And I want you, Dream. Not just for now, not just for this adventure, but for much longer. I want to know everything about you. I want to be the one you can trust, the one you open up to.”

His words ring through my soul like a church bell, and I feel a warmth spread throughout my body. Could he be the one to break through the walls I’ve built around myself? I hated him at first, but now it seems impossible not to love him.

“I want to believe you,” I whisper.

“You can,” he says firmly. “You must. We have to trust each other if we’re going to work together to get your cousin back. This is a big deal.”

I nod, knowing that he’s right. I have to put my fears aside and go through with this.

Tonight, all that means is trusting that he’ll teach me to dance and not let me embarrass myself in public.

On Monday, that means trusting him with my life.

“I’m going to get dressed,” he says after a moment of silence. “Let me know if you’ll be okay to go out.”

I cross my arms. “Oh, you’re not going to get away from teaching me that easily.”

“I’m not trying to get away from anything,” he insists with a bewildered expression before he realizes that I’m messing with him. He smiles, tilting his head to the side. “You’re trouble. You’re big trouble.”

“Are you going to spank me for it?” I ask, bending over and wiggling my ass in his direction.

He nearly falls over as he attempts to change his shirt. “You’d better not tempt me.”

I know we’ll never get out of the hotel if we start flirting too hard and end up having sex, so I stop and allow him to get ready without distracting him further.

Once he’s dressed, it’s my turn to be amazed.

His tailored black suit hugs his broad shoulders, perfectly accentuating the strength and confidence that have brought him this far. If I was ever to trust a man, he’d be the one.

And maybe he is.

Tonight, I might just find out.

As he turns to me with a deliberate smirk, I’m struck by how completely he’s captured my attention. In his presence, the rest of the world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of us, locked in a moment that feels both fleeting and infinite.

“Shall we?” he asks, offering me his arm.

I take it, feeling a rush as we leave the hotel and step out into the darkening evening together.

I’ve stepped into uncharted territory, a place where the rules are different, and the dangers are new and unknown. I’m captivated by Nikolai, and it scares me, but it excites me. Whatever happens, I know I’m going to remember this. I’ll never forget the way Nikolai makes me feel.

The streets are ripe with excitement for the night to come, people already rushing out to grab food and drinks before it becomes too busy. The usual scent of gasoline and dust in the air is replaced by rich cologne and sweet perfume, and there are thousands of tiny lights strung through the city.

It feels like everyone has gotten together just to go out and party tonight, something that never happens where I’m from. The sense of community, even in a big city like this, is enviable. If it wasn’t for the Cartel, I’d be tempted to stay here much longer.

We arrive at the club after a short walk. From the outside, it looks unassuming, but the moment we step through the door, the atmosphere changes completely.

Red lights bathe the club with an all-encompassing glow, casting a sensual aura that makes everything feel just a bit more enticing. My dress looks nude against my body, having both taken on the same red color from the light. The quick, rhythmic beat of Salsa music vibrates through the floor, pulsing in time with my heartbeat.