Page 36 of Nikolai's Baby

“We should eat something,” he whispers, but neither of us moves.

“Later,” I breathe, unable to tear myself away from him.

“Later,” he agrees, and his lips find mine once more.

He tastes like promises that can’t be kept, bullets through my heart and heroin pumped deep into my soul. I’m addicted to him already.

The sex is gentler this time, more patient yet more intense because I know what it means for us. Last night wasn’t just some desperate fling. It feels like our bodies are made for each other, as unlikely as that may be, considering our backgrounds, but it’s true, anyway. We just connect.

And it’s hard to hate a man who makes me feel so damn good. His lips light me on fire, and when he cums inside of me, I’m willing to take the risk that I might end up having his baby.

I just hope he’d stick around if it came to that.

I need to know more about him before I keep doing this. I need to know that under the harsh Bratva exterior, there’s a good man.

Or, at the very least, a loyal man.

“What do you think about Mexico?” Nikolai asks, propping himself up on his elbow beside me.

I’m still breathless from cumming so hard, so it takes me a moment to respond. “Um, it’s hot. I don’t know. I thought I’d be coming here on different terms.”

His expression deepens with seriousness. “I’m sorry about your cousin. We are going to get him back. I talked to Jasha and he’s on board with it. All that’s really left is to reach out to Gabriel and talk him into trading his army for the P50.”

“You really didn’t have to do all of this,” I say. “I know it’s not just about getting rid of the Cartel for your own business.”

“Isn’t it?”

“I knew you were going to deny it, and that’s fine,” I say, smiling wistfully. “But you still admitted that you liked me, and I suppose that’s enough.”

He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at me. “What is it that you want to hear from me?”

“There are many things, but they only mean anything if they’re true. I don’t like empty words. Some women may fall for that crap, but I’m not one of them.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he replies, tilting his head to the side and flashing his white teeth.

“I didn’t fall for your words.”


“No, I fell for your body,” I reply with a laugh that borders on a cackle.

“You’re cute when you laugh,” he says.

“Shut up.”

“No,” he says, moving closer. “I’m serious. You’re… perfect. I don’t know how else to describe it, so I’ll leave it at that.”

I allow myself to sink deeper into the warm fuzzy feeling he gives me, ignore the alarms in my head that are telling me not to let him do this to me. After all this is over, we’re never going to see each other again. It’s just a fling in Mexico, and I’m about to fall in love and get my heart broken in under a week.

It’s fitting for me. I tend to get caught up in things that I like, ignoring the consequences even when they’re glaringly obvious. Nikolai is like that, multiplied by a million, so he’s definitely going to break my heart.

But that’s only if he doesn’t get me killed first.

“I’m curious about you,” Nikolai says, shifting his weight a bit to be even closer to me. “I know about your relationship with Eddy and how important it is to you, but I want to know more about you. It’s like you just appeared out of nowhere.”

“That’s whatyoudid,” I reply, poking him in the chest. “What’s a Russian mafia boss doing in Texas, anyway?”

“You first,” he says with a sly grin. “Tell me how you got to be the way that you are. I already know you got your heart broken by some jock in school, but what about after that? You’ve just been all by yourself ever since?”