Page 31 of Nikolai's Baby

“On the contrary, I’m dead serious,” he says, a smile creeping across his face.

“We’re not selling those drugs,” I say. “We need them to get Eddy.”

“We need brute force to get Eddy. The drugs are just bait. We won’t give them away until we have Eddy,” he explains.

“Why can’t we just use your guys? You must have enough of them to take on the Cartel,” I say. “Or just pay out of pocket. You have enough money. I’ve seen your house.”

“US dollars don’t go very far here, and bringing that much money into the country would be problematic. The drugs are better – small, unassuming, but in very high demand right now. Gabriel will appreciate them.”


“The man with the biggest private army on this side of Mexico,” he says. “And before you ask again, no, I can’t bring my own people. They all have important positions in the United States and pulling them away from the border would put my entire operation at risk. Besides, we need more than a few men. We need dozens of them, and they need to be trained on local soil.”

“You sound like you’re planning a war,” I say, surprised and impressed that he’s able to go to such lengths.

I guess he’s not a stupid jock after all.

“I’ve been looking for an excuse,” he says with a wicked grin. “But I’m going to need to talk to Jasha about it. My brother needs to know that I’m getting involved with Gabriel and taking on the Cartel in a bigger way than we had anticipated.”

“You think he’ll be fine with it?”

“Fine?” he asks with a chuckle. “Jasha’s been trying to convince me to drop a bomb in Dimalona and wipe those bastards out for years now. The only thing he’s not going to be happy about is being left behind while I ‘have all the fun,’” he says, making air quotes with his fingers.

“I’d hardly consider this fun,” I reply, but there’s a little spark of excitement in my belly from doing something this ostentatious. Once again, my dread has been replaced with hope, and I’m amazed at how easily Nikolai was able to make that happen.

Slowly but surely, his position as head of the Russian mafia is starting to make sense.

“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable, and I’ll get on a phone call with Jasha,” Nikolai suggests, pulling his phone out and punching in a few digits.

I smile, sliding off the bed and not caring in the least when my dress rides up and flashes my panties. Nikolai’s eyes immediately find them, and I can feel them lingering on me as I leave for the bathroom. Even once the door is closed behind me, I can feel the warmth of his eyes on my skin.

Clearly, I haven’t learned my lesson.



I’m almost too distracted to call Jasha, even as Dream disappears into the bathroom to freshen up. It feels like every time she’s around, the only thing I can think about is how I’m going to get inside of her.

If she knew what I was thinking, she’d probably question my sanity. Even I’m questioning it as I dial up my brother to tell him what we’re about to do.

“You’d better not be in prison,” Jasha says the moment he picks up the phone.

“You’re not that lucky,” I reply, grinning as I sit down on the edge of the bed. “How the fuck are you, man?”

“Pretty much the same as when we last spoke. Oh, aside from the fact I hired like twenty models to hang around the pool all day while you’re gone. It’s a shame you’re missing that.”

I can’t be certain that he’s joking, but I’m pretty sure he is. “I think it’s you who is missing out,” I reply, moving the phone from one ear to the other. “Guess what I’m about to do.”

“I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Okay, get serious. You’re going to want to know about this,” I say, gripping the phone a little tighter.

“Alright, spit it out,” Jasha replies, his voice taking on a more somber tone.

“I need to hire Gabriel and his private army,” I say, jumping over all the details and getting to the end point.

A long pause follows, and I can almost see Jasha’s eyebrows shooting up his forehead. “You’re what?”