Page 108 of Wilder Ever After

“You what?” Alice’s big eyes blinked from behind her cushioned fortress.

“You were gonna chicken out. I know you were. You love him. You admitted it with pot as your truth serum, and I made you a vow to help you get back to him. I always keep my word, so I’m just giving you a little nudge in the right direction.”

“And what did he say when you called him?” Those big blue eyes blinked faster, darting between Marge and the handsome man still scanning the room for her.

“He said he was heartbroken when he learned you left, and he was getting on the first flight to see you again. He wants to talk to you, Alice.”

“So, I didn’t blow it?”

“Not yet. But you will if you don’t get your ass out from behind that couch and go talk to the man. He flew halfway across the country today for you. Now get up, quit being a pansy ass and go talk to him.”

“I ... I can’t believe you did that for me.”

“Of course I did. We made you a promise we’d find him. We did. And now he’s here.”

“This is incredible, Alice,” I said, still stunned that Alejandro was here at my wedding. “Go on. Go talk to him. Remember how you felt in that jungle. You were ready to try.”

Fear and sadness clouded her vibrant blue eyes. “What if he rejects me?”

“He won’t.” Doris smiled. “He loves you. And love conquers all.”

“But what if he does?”

Marge lifted up her hand and then rolled it into a fist. “Knuckle sandwich for lunch, remember?”

Alice inched up a little, then ducked again. “I’m scared.”

“All the best things in life are right outside your comfort zone,” I said, something I often reminded myself of when I got scared about a new venture. “Now get your ass up and take a chance on love.”

Alice tightened her grip on the back of the couch. “What ... what do I say? I don’t know what to say!”

“The truth.” I reached forward and touched her arm. “Just tell him the truth. Tell him everything. How you feel. Why you left. What you want. Everything.”

“The truth,” she breathed as she rose slowly.

Alejandro saw her instantly, a huge smile spreading across his face as he started toward her.

Alice remained behind the couch, clutching it tightly as he approached.

“Hello, Alice,” he said, stopping just short of her.

“Hello, Alejandro.”

We widows sat beneath them on the couches, our heads swiveling back and forth while we waited for them to speak. Finally, Alice started.

“I’m so sorry I ran off, Alejandro. I just ... I got scared. Love, emotions, and all that ooey gooey stuff, it’s just ... new to me. And new is scary. I’m so sorry that I left without a word.”

His amber eyes creased with his smile. “I know, Cariño. I know you better than you think. I knew immediately why you ran, and I also knew that I would find you again. You are my love, and no matter how far you run, I will always be there to catch you.”

I clutched my chest and sighed along with Doris and Marge.

Alice shot us a look to shut up, then stepped around the couch, moving toward him slowly. “Can you forgive me?”

Alejandro stepped toward her until they were only inches apart. “There is nothing to forgive. I’m sorry that I went too fast and scared you. We can slow down if that’s what you need.”

“It’s not,” she answered quickly. “It’s not that at all. I ... I love you, Alejandro. I do. Totally and completely, and I’m done being scared by that.”

He reached forward and brushed a piece of hair from her face. The way she melted at his touch reminded me of how I felt when Tom touched me. There was no denying the love crackling between them like twin flames.