Page 105 of Wilder Ever After

As she finished the sentence, a soft piano started playing, and I smiled, knowing the melody all too well.

“It’sTiny Dancer.”I closed my eyes and let the song transport me back to the night we’d met. To how I felt in his arms, dancing with him, laughing as we sang the chorus while he spun me around.

“Dance with me,” Tom whispered, just like he had that night.

When I looked up, I saw those same eyes that had captivated me all those years ago. We were older, and time had changed the planes of our faces, but they were the same eyes that still captivated me now. I held out my hand, and he took it, smiling as he pulled me against him and slid his arm against the small of my back. Just as we started taking our first steps, the lyrics to the song started, and the curtain on the stage dropped.

I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth as I saw Elton John playing his piano as he sang our special song.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Sir Elton John,” Alice said as she started clapping and moved off to the side.

The guests at our wedding gasped along with me.

“No!” I screamed, flashing my gaze to Alice, who grinned, kissed both hands, and blew us a kiss before stepping off stage.

“Is that ... Elton John? The real Elton John?” Tom asked, staring dumbfounded at the stage. “Or like some kind of lookalike?”

I shook my head, still stunned to see the man himself playing the song that had started our love. “Alice doesn’t do anything but authentic.”

“So that’s... that’s really Sir Elton John.”

I stared at the stage, my eyes barely believing it myself, but knowing Alice, I answered with certainty, “Yes. Yes, it is. Alice’s gift. The one she made us sneak across the border so as not to miss. This is it. She got us Elton John to sing his song ... our song.”

“Well, holy shit.” Tom remained frozen.

“Well, we only get one chance in our life to dance to Elton John singing our song, so don’t just stand there.” I smiled and held out my hand the same way he had. “Dance with me.”

He glanced down at my hand, and when he locked eyes with mine, he snapped out of the shock Alice’s gift had caused him.

“Of course ... wife.” He grinned, pulled me against him, and then we danced the same moves we’d done all those years ago.

When the song ended, the guests erupted into screams and applause. Tom dipped me and kissed me, then we faced the stage and applauded as well.

“Congratulations to the happy couple,” Elton said, his sparkling glasses covering his eyes as he looked in our direction. “And since my friend, Alice, here, told me about your wedding and the adventures you Wilder Widows go on, I’d like to sing one more song tonight. This one goes out to those Wilder Widows I’ve heard so much about.”

Alice looked at me and shrugged, then came onto the dance floor. Doris and Marge hurried from the other side, joining me in the center as Tom kissed my hand and backed away.

“This one is calledFriendship,”he said with a smile, then turned back to his piano and started playing away.

“I love this song,” I said as I took their hands in mine. “And I love this gift, Alice. How in the world did you get him to play my wedding?”

“It’s a long story, but we’ve met several times in Vegas, and he thinks the stories I’ve told about the Wilder Widows are just a hoot. I knew exactly what I wanted to get you for your wedding present, and I’m so glad you liked it.”

“Love it! I’ll never forget it! This was totally worth getting caught on the border, locked in a cage, and pissing in a bucket to get back in time for this.”

“We don’t talk about that.” She arched an eyebrow, then cleared her throat. “But everything we did was worth it to make it back before he went on his world tour in two days, and we missed our chance.”

“So worth it!” I laughed as we started dancing to the music together.

“Definitely worth it! I can’t believe I’m listening to Elton John right now!” Doris squealed.

“Highlight of my life. Roxie almost passed out over there.” Marge chuckled.

Elton started singing the lyrics about friendship, and we all closed our arms around each other and swayed as we listened to his powerful voice. Flashes of memories from the adventures our friendship had sent us on went through my mind like movie clips as we swayed together on the dance floor. How different my life would have been had they not come knocking on my door that day. Though part of me wished that I’d been with Tom all the years we’d been apart, the other part of me knew that my path in life had to be with Bruce. It had to take me to Wilder Lane, where I’d become a widow and find the greatest gift of my life.

My best friends.

When the song finished, Elton wished us well and then snuck out the back to a limo waiting to take him away.