Page 103 of Wilder Ever After

“Good. Don’t get lost in the jungle or detained by border patrol on your way.”

I burst out laughing, nodding my head though he couldn’t see it. “I won’t.”

“I love you,” he said, then I heard his footsteps receding.

I walked over to the mirror, looking at my makeup that had started to smear with my tears. Knowing Alice would kill me, I touched it up as best I could. After one last look over myself in my wedding dress, I headed out the door.

Holding my dress so I didn’t trip, I made my way down the stairs to the lobby. The three widows stood at the bottom, expectant eyes watching me as I approached.

“Wow,” Marge breathed. “What a knockout.”

“Absolutely beautiful.” Doris wiped her eyes.

“Tom is gonna have a heart attack. Better get the paddles ready.” Alice grinned.

I arrived at the bottom of the stairs and fell into the embrace of the three women I held most dear.

Marge broke the hug first. “Well, did you do it?”

I smiled. “I did. He’s in.”

“Whoohoo!” She pumped her fist in the air. “I knew he’d do it for you. That’s the power of love.”

“And you? Did you talk to Roxie? What did she say?”

She frowned, dropping her gaze to the ground.

“Oh no.” I covered my mouth.

But a moment later, she whipped up her head with a grin. “She said, ‘hell yes!’ Turns out she’s sick of Vegas too. After a life of working in casinos and getting her ass grabbed, she’s ready to retire. We’re moving back to Wilder Lane!”

I gasped, then leaned forward and yanked her in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you!”

“Me too. Damn, I sure found a good woman. I can’t believe she’s following me home.”

“I can.” I let go of her and looked into her face. “You’re a catch, Marge.”

She blushed, looking at the ground and then back at me.

Doris grinned beside us, and I knew from the way she practically bubbled out of her skin that she had good news.

“Well? What did Axel say?”

“He said yes!” She squealed, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. “At least most of the year,” she added. “We still have a lot to work out, but he assured me we can spend a big chunk of the year on Wilder Lane. We’ll live on the ranch during the summer and do the tours. I’ll cook, and he’ll tend to the tourists just like before. But when tourist season ends, he’s ready to get the heck off the ranch too. Leave it to the youngsters to run. We’ll live on Wilder Lane together, where we can relax and enjoy each other.” She smiled wider. “And you. I can enjoy all of you.”

“This is amazing!” I exclaimed, my heart so full it felt ready to burst. “And we know Alice is in, so this is it. We’re all moving back to Wilder Lane. Together.”

“Where we belong.” Marge took my hand.

I grabbed Doris’s, and she took Alice’s. The four of us stood together, forming a circle of friendship so strong, I knew nothing, not time or distance or life, could ever break it.

Marge squeezed my hand tight. “I’m so ready to go home with you all. I’ve had my share of Elvis’s and glitter and ladies of the night.” She looked at Doris. “And no, Doris, before you ask, I’m not talking about vampires.”

Doris chuckled, and we all joined.

Alice lifted her chin high. “Well, now that that’s settled, let’s get your ass married so we can pack up and move the hell home.”

“Deal.” I smiled, and the four of us hurried off together, hand in hand, to find my true love at the end of the aisle.