Page 110 of Wilder Ever After

The dimples in his cheeks deepened with his smile. He pulled me up, lifted me in the air, spun me around, and finally set me down on the dance floor between the swaying bodies of my dearest friends. Rachel danced nearby on the arm of a handsome man I’d never seen before, giving me a wink as she twirled past.

I looked around at the most beloved people in my life, all together on the dance floor. And soon, the widows and I would be together again on Wilder Lane. Always.


One year later...

“Throw another shrimpon the barbie!” Marge joked to Tom in her completely butchered Australian accent.

He smiled at her from behind the plumes of smoke rolling off the BBQ grill where he pushed around all the meats and vegetables we picked up at the morning market.

“I’m out of shrimp, but how about a brat?” he asked as she walked by carrying the pitcher of margaritas.

She nodded her head. “Brat it is. Extra onions.”

“Oh, Roxie is gonna love that,” Alice said as Marge arrived at our little spot next to Alice’s pool.

Marge set down the pitcher on the table and waved her hand. “Ah, she doesn’t care. We’re way past that whole having to brush our teeth before the business time stage of the relationship.”

Alice lowered her sunglasses and looked at Marge. “She cares, Marge.Everyonecares about onion breath. That’s not intimacy. That’s just good manners.”

“Oh, cripes. Don’t tell me you’re still hiding shit from Alejandro.”

Alice looked over to Alejandro where he, Roxie, and Axel were tossing beanbags into a cornhole box.

She smiled. “No. We’re very much past all the facades of new love. But some lines should never be crossed. Onion breath, peeing with the door open, sharing toothbrushes, and clipping your toenails in bed.” She shuddered. “Those things are off limits, no matter how long you’ve been together.”

I shrugged. “Tom and I pee with the door open.”

Doris gasped. “You do?”

“Oh, yeah. All the time. Doesn’t bother me.”

Alice sighed. “Too far, my friend. You go too far.”

Marge smirked. “Well, I’d think after we all pissed together in Mexico, you wouldn’t be so uptight about—”