Page 23 of Husband Skills

A mock gasp. “Black is for funerals!”

“Sorry, baby. No one will sell me a shirt in another color. They all say I’d look ridiculous.”

Dani rolls her eyes, but she can’t hide the smile tugging at her mouth. “As if anyone would ever say no to you.”

That’s true—and sure enough, there’s a line of new shirts in my closet at home. But Dani does sometimes. My pretty little bartender says no to me, and puts her foot down. She tells me her boundaries and I respect ‘em, and that’s how Iknowshe’s okay when I step between her legs again.

I tug my belt open with a clink and pull down the zipper of my jeans, drawing out my bare cock into the still office air.

Dani blinks down at the sight, her eyes going round.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a monster. She can take it though—and look at her. She’s licking her lips, a greedy glint in her blue eyes, squirming against the desk. She wants it, alright. She wants it bad. She’s panting.

This woman is perfect for me.

“We doin’ this?” I ask, rubbing the ruddy head up and down her slit. Dani gasps and wriggles closer, notching the first inch inside, and Jesus Christ.

She’s so hot. So slick.

She’s heaven.

“Please,” Dani begs.

Well, she’ll never have to ask me twice. And as I grit my teeth and press forward, heart rioting in my chest; as my thoughts fly clean out of my brain at howgoodshe feels, so tight and right, I know down to my bones.

I’m home.

This is where I’m meant to be.

Fucking this woman. Loving her.Cherishingher beautiful little ass, until she can’t remember anyone’s name but mine. No more bad dreams about weddings after today. No more doubt.


“That okay?” I ask between clenched teeth, tendons straining in my neck. Even as I ask, I press forward another inch, because yeah—Dani’s bucking off the desk, scrabbling at my shoulders, trying to yank me closer. She’s as mad for this as I am. “Dani. That feel okay?”

“Better’n okay,” she says, and her words are slurred, her head tipped back. I lick a stripe up her pale throat, and the desk creaks beneath us as I thrust deeper, burrowing my way between her thighs.

She’s tight. It’s a stretch. Can’t say I slam in there with no troubles and start pounding away—no, it takes us a while. Takes some adjusting and pausing, breathing into the crook of each other’s necks. Takes some figuring out the height difference, bending my knees a little to match the desk, but we get there in the end. And when we do…

“Holy shit,” Dani mumbles, clinging to the work shirt she pretends to hate. Her blue eyes are hazy, and there are pink spots glowing on her cheeks. “I can feeleverything.I can feel your pulse in there, Kingston.”

Fuck. Yeah, me too.

Screwing my eyes shut, I shift my hips around. Feeling her from every angle, her tight channel gripping my shaft.

“Oh god,” Dani babbles, her forehead dropping to my chest. “Oh god, oh god, oh god…”

When I draw out slowly, she holds her breath.

When I thrust back inside, her perfect tits bounce and she lets out a hushed moan.

Oh, yeah. There are folks on the other side of that door. People drinking and chatting and poor Charlene serving customers and wiping down the bar. I’ll pay her extra for this shift before she heads home; I’ll buy everyone under this roof a free round, because I’ve never been in a better mood than this in all my life. I’m soaring up near the clouds.

“Keep quiet, baby.” I fuck her slowly at first, grinding between her legs, then build up a little speed. The wooden desk creaks and sweat slides down my spine, but Dani bites down on my shoulder and muffles her moans there.


Don’t want anyone hearing this. Don’t want her getting any side-eyes.