WhydoIfeel zero shame standing here naked in front of one of the biggest movie stars in the world, begging him to suck on my nipples?Ifeel embarrassed whenIaccidentally try to grab the same cereal box as another shopper at the grocery store.Jacksonmight be fully dressed and telling me what to do, but somehowIfeel likeI’mthe one with all the power.

Jacksonlowers his head to my left breast and bites onto my nipple.Hesucks hard on it.I’msureI’mgoing to have a hickie on my breast tomorrow, andIcouldn’t care less.I’mthe only person who’s seen these nipples in a very long time.Andeven ifIwasn’t,Iwouldn’t care.Becauseright now, this feels so fucking incredible.

Jackson’sother hand bites at my nipple.Pinchingme.Thenhe bites the nipple in his mouth with teeth.Thenhe switches.Someoneis moaning dramatically, andI’mpretty sure that it’s me.Myhand falls down between my legs to find my clit, and asIpress my hips into the pressure,Jacksonpulls my hand away.

“DidItell you to touch your clit?”


“Youneed to do whatItell you to do and nothing else.”

“Thentell me to do something else becauseIcan’t fucking take this anymore.Ineed to come,Jackson.”

“Asknicely, like a good girl, baby.”

WhenIroll my eyes at him, he pinches my nipples.Hard.

“Pleasemake me come,Nugget,”Itell him in my sweetest, most sugary voice.

Jacksonpulls his hands back, so no part of him is touching me.Atfirst,Ithink he’s mad at me for talking back.Buthe’s just staring at me.

“Climbup those bales of hay and get onto the blanket.Spreadyour legs for me.Aswide as you fucking can.”

Hedoesn’t have to tell me twice.Spreadlegs means more access to what’s between them.AndIwant to give him as much access as possible for whatever he’s planning.Hishands, his mouth, his cock.Idon’t care.Ijust need to come orI’mgoing to explode.

DoingasI’mtold,Iclimb up three bales of hay to the thick blanket.Imust look ridiculous out here, naked and climbing a mountain of hay bales, butIdon’t care.AllIcare about isJackson’sbody on mine and him letting me come.Finally.

Isit down on the blanket on top of one row of hay bales and lean back against another row, spreading my legs wide for him.Myboots gleam a shiny opal in the moonlight.

Jacksonis just standing there a few feet away, watching me.Helicks his lips. “You’reso fucking beautiful.Everyinch of you.”

Agirl could get used to this.Notthat this girl is going to get the chance.Buteven if this one night withJacksonis all thatI’mnever going to get,Iwant it.Iwant every single second of it.

“Ithink you can spread those legs a little wider, can’t you?”

Ifrown, but wriggle my ass into the hay bale and rock my boot heels until my ankles are a few inches wider.


Mylips twitch.I’veread about the whole good girl thing in my smutty romance books, andIdidn’t really understand it.Thatis, untilJacksonfuckingWaterslooked at every inch of my naked body, spread out in front of him, waiting for him, inviting him, and called me hisgood girl.


“Sayit again.”

“Youlike being mygood girl, don’t you, baby?”

Inod.Apparently,Ireally,reallylike beingJacksonWaters’ good girl.

“Thenbe a good girl and don’t come untilItell you to,Selena.”

“Shouldn’tbe a problem.”

Ifonly he knew.Otherthan with my vibrator or my own hands, my orgasms have very been few and far between.It’slike lining up everything for a solar eclipse whenI’mwith a partner.It’sa lot to expect him to be doing just whatIneed, just whereIneed, and for me to be in just the right headspace to come all at the same time.Thestars and planets just don’t align like that very often.Atleast, not for me, they don’t.So,Iusually end up having to take care of myself at some point.

Jacksonfrowns at me.We’repractically eye to pussy with me leaning back, legs spread wide, on these bales of hay and him standing in front of me. “Whynot?”

“Ijust… haven’t had great luck having orgasms… with a partner.Itjust doesn’t happen very often for me.ButIcan still have a good time, even if you don’t make mefinish.I’lljust do it myself.”