Well, this is new.We’vegone from first real kiss toperma-rection, to making me beg to come in less than half an hour.

I’venever done this kind of thing before.I’venever really talked dirty.Orhad anyone talk dirty to me.AndI’venever begged for sex.Conversationduring sex in my experience starts and stops withyes,right there,faster, andI’mgoing to come.I’vedefinitely never given a man permission to take what he wants from me before.

ButamIgoing to be eighty years old and telling my granddaughters or grand-nieces the story of howIfake-dated a movie star and chickened out from sleeping with him?Absolutelynot.I’mnot passing this up.I’mnot missing out on this.Ifthat kiss on theFerriswheel is any indication—not to mention the size of the bulge he pressed into me when we got off—Iwould definitely miss out ifIwalked away from him now.

AndIdon’t want to miss out on anything else in this life.Iwant to have the experience, risk the pain.Ijust want to live, not second-guess whether every decision is the right one.Lifeis too freaking short for that.

What’sthat quote?Youregret one-hundred percent of the chances you don’t take?I’mnot going to regret missing out onJackson’smouth, his body pressed against mine, and whatever he intends to do with his hard dick.Nope,Iwill not miss out on one bit of that.

Jacksonwhips the blanket up in the air, and it flutters like it’s riding on the wind.Thenhe lays it down over the bales of hay.Heglances up towards the sky and then looks down at me.There’snothing between us and the stars.Iwant this so badly, my thighs are shaking.

“Comehere,”Jacksondemands.It’snot a question, it’s an order.Andone it doesn’t even occur to me not to follow.

Hegrabs my hair in his hand, tilting my head back, and presses his mouth against mine.Hard.Hismouth is rough and passionate on mine.Hekisses me like it’s not enough for him.Likeit will never be enough for him.Hedrives me wild with his lips, his tongue, his teeth.Hebites, licks and sucks at me, starting a wildfire in meIhave no hope of controlling.

Pressingmy hands against his chest,Irub them over every hard plane and every line of muscle thatI’veached to touch sinceImet him.Hisbody is so completely different from mine.I’mnot sure we have anything in common.He’shard whereI’msoft.He’sbigger whereI’msmaller.

Becausethe curiosity is killing me,Islide one hand down his chest and over his jeans to feel hisperma-rection.He’shuge.Andvery,veryhard.Iswipe my hands over the hard rod in his pants, pressing my hips tight against the back of my hand, grinding against him.

“Baby, hold on.”Jackson’svoice is low, wild.Desperate.

“Baby,stop,”Jacksontakes a gulp of air, and then his body rocks against mine in the universal movement for…

“Didyou…?Didyou just?”Agiggle escapes me, uncontainable.

“Thatwas not howIwanted tonight to go, baby,”Jacksonholds me tight and whispers into my hair, breathing hard. “Butthat is exactly how muchIwant you.”

“Baby, look what you do to me.”Jacksontakes my hand and pushes it inside his jeans untilI’mtouching the hot, sticky mess.Whenhe pulls my hand back out, he presses the tips of my fingers into my mouth.Itaste him, warm and sticky and salty.

“Likethat, don’t you, baby?”Jacksonwhispers, not taking his eyes off of my face asIlick my fingers clean.


WhenI’mdone licking my fingers clean, he turns away. “Giveme a sec.”

Notwanting to make things worse,Iturn around and try not to giggle at the stream of cursesIhear coming from behind me.

“It’sokay.Thesethings happen…”Thatseems like what you’re supposed to say.Butdothese things happen?Nothingremotely like this has ever happened to me before.Noone has ever wanted me this much.Ibarely touched him.

“Notto me, they don’t.”

“It’sokay,Ipromise.”Ibite my lip, feeling out what the least wrong thing to say is. “Wecan just go inside if you want… and cuddle.”

Jacksonputs his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face him.

“Baby,I’mjust getting started.”

Jacksonleans back, staring down at me.Hepushes my jean jacket off of my shoulders.Thenhe slides his hand down the back of my dress, finding the zipper.Heunzips it and then pushes the fabric off of my shoulders.Iglance towards the house, but we’re hidden from it on this side of the barn.Thenearest houses must be miles away.It’sjustJackson, me, and the stars, and the moon tonight.

“Fuckme.You’reso fucking beautiful.”

Itdoesn’t seem like he’s expecting a response, soIdon’t say anything.

“Losethe panties.Keepthe boots on,” he orders.

I’mstanding in the moonlight in front ofJacksonWatersin my bra and underwear.Atleast, it’s the pretty new matching setLilymade me buy.Thepanties are pretty full coverage, which was perfect for being at the whims of carnival rides and night air in my short dress tonight.Butat least they have a layer of lace over the opaque teal satin.Thematching bra is teal lace without the satin layer, and you can see my hard nipples through it.Thathas to count for something, right?

Jacksonfrowns at me as his eyes rake over my lingerie. “Whothe hell are you wearing those for?”