Shemakes a little face at me and then guzzles down half the glass.

“Noweat.”Ihand her the plate, and she digs into the spaghetti and veggie meatballs like a wild animal on the attack.

“Ohmy god, this is so freaking good.Andnot just becauseI’mdrunk.Althoughmaybe a little becauseI’mdrunk.Here, you need to try some.”Shewaves a fork at me untilItake it. “Whyaren’t you sitting?Howrude of me.Sitdown,Jackson.”

Ishouldn’t sit.Ishouldn’t stay.Ishouldn’t be in this room one second longer than absolutely necessary.Butwhen she aggressively pats the bed next to her and looks like she’s about to hiss my name again,Itake a seat, leaning against the headboard, one leg on the bed, one foot still on the floor.

“Doyou ever just chill?LikeNetflixand chill?”Shegiggles.HappydrunkSelenahas officially entered the building.

“I… chill.”

“Youdon’t sound very chill saying that.Yousound kind of intense.Doyou ever get drunk?Justlet loose and see what happens?”

“SometimesIsleep in until eight on aSaturday, andIdon’t even do my workout right away.”

“Ithink you have a chill-deficiency,Jackson.Youshould probably work on that.”

“I’llget right on that.”


“Ibet you are.Readyto go to sleep?”

Shenods, andItake the water and plate and set them on the beside table.Thenshe slides down on the bed, turning onto her side, so her ass presses into my leg.

Ishould stand up and walk out of here.


Istay right whereIam until she falls asleep, letting out little snores every so often.

Afterwatching her sleep for longer thanIshould,Istand up and walk down the hall to my room, my fists clenched at my sides.



I’vebeen up for an hour whenIfinally hear some movement in the house that isn’t me orOats.It’sanother solid thirty minutes beforeIhear very slow steps coming down the stairs.

Whenshe walks into the kitchen on bare feet, she looks exactly how she did whenIleft her last night.Well, with maybe a bit more makeup smudged under her eyes and her hair in a messy bun on top of her head.HerRaven’sRavinet-shirt is still pulled tight across her tits and hips.

Andshe’s not wearing any fucking pants.

Mycock grows three sizes at the sight of her, andI’mgrateful to be sitting down at the kitchen table, so she can’t see my dick trying to impale the thick slab of oak.

Selenabarely looks at me as she marches to the sink, grabs one of the mason jars we use as glasses, and fills it with water.Thenshe drinks.First, she takes slow sips.Thenshe downs the rest of the glass, fills it up, and starts all over again.

“Howyou feeling this morning,Champ?”

Shewinces. “Whyare you so loud?”

Mylips twitch. “Thatgood, huh?Wantsome coffee?There’sstill some in the coffeemaker.Orthere’s tea.”IfIdidn’t have a hard dick,I’dget up and make her something myself.Butright now, it’s safer to stay at the table.

“Yes.Ineed all the coffee.Thanks.”

“Whatdo you feel like doing for breakfast?Wantto put something together here or go into town for something greasy to soak up all that tequila you drank last night?”

Hercheeks turn red, andIcatch her eyes staring at my neck, right where she licked a line of salt off me last night.Grinningat her,Iknow she’s embarrassed.I’mnot.BecauseSelenadoing a tequila shot off of me was hot as hell.Andbecause she doesn’t know thatIjerked off last night thinking about the feel of her tongue on my skin.Twice.Although, if she wanted to lick me, my neck was a poor stand-in for my dick.