“Bodyshots!Bodyshots!”Lilychants as she walks over to the sofa area and flops down on the ottoman next to the trays of tequila shots and waters.Idon’t really want to think about what else has been on that ottoman.Orthe sofaSelena’ssitting on.

Selenapicks up a shot glass and raises it atLily, arching her dark brown eyebrow. “Iwill if you will.”

“I’mnot lickingJacks.Gross,”Lilysays with an exaggerated choking sound.

“Thanks,Lil,”Imutter. “Youknow how to make a guy feel pretty damn special.”

“Well, there’s lots of guys in this barrr.”Selenaglances around her, looking back and forth like she’s trying to find someone.OnlyIknow exactly which guy she’s going to pick.She’sslurring her words, but only a little.It’spretty cute. “HowaboutGunnarrr?He’sstanding right therrre next to you.Can’tbeat convenience.”

“ShouldIbe more or less offended by the whole convenience thing than you should be byLilypractically puking at the thought of doing a shot off of you?”Gunnarasks thoughtfully.

“More,Ithink.Lily’shad her whole life to be disgusted by me.Selenabarely knows you,”Imutter to him with a grin.

“Ugh, if you’re so precious,I’llfind someone else!”Lilystands up, tosses her arm out, and grabs onto the closest man’s shirt she can reach.Itjust so happens it belongs toJameson.

“Tequila’sgetting warm, ladies,”Lilyannounces, tuggingJamesontowards her.

Remindingher it’s served room temperature earns me a glare.

“Youdon’t have to do this,”Iwhisper, leaning down so onlySelenacan hear me.

“It’sfine.It’snot a big dealll.It’snot like you’re the first guyI’vedone a body shot off of,JacksonWatersss.”

“Whatthe hell?I’mgonna need some details on that.Actually, no.Tellme nothing.Nevermention it again, please.”

Selenagrins at me.Forthe first time in days,Iget a real, all the way big,Selenasmile.AndIcan’t get enough of it.

“Howdo you want to do this?”Itake a step back, my hands at my sides, to show her that there’s no pressure.

“Comeherrre.”Selenacrooks her finger at me.Thenshe picks up one of the shot glasses and stands up.Shesteps onto the corner seat of the sofa where she’s been sitting, her feet sinking into the cushion.

Sheshifts her weight, and then her arms dart out to balance her.Igrab one of them and steady her.Butsomehow she manages not to spill a single drop of the top-shelf tequilaIbought.


“Mmmm-hmmm.Comeherrre,” she says in a low, sexy voice, pressing her hands into my shoulders.


Leaningdown,Ipick one of the salt shakers and a lime up off of the tray.Ihand her the salt shaker first.

“Readyyy?”Sheasks with narrowed eyes.

“Iguess?”I’mnot sure whatI’msupposed to be ready for.She’sgoing to do all the hard work in this situation.

Selenaleans towards me, andIfeel her warm breath on my neck.Shetugs at the neckline of my t-shirt and pulls it down a couple of inches.Thenher tongue trails a hot, wet path along the base of my neck.Holyfuck.Sheshakes the salt, pelting my skin with hard granules of the stuff.

Sheleans back and stares up at me. “Tradeyou the salt for the lime.”

WhenIhold it out to her, she presses the salt shaker into my hand and steals the lime wedge.Thenshe rests her elbow on my shoulder to keep her balance.Herface is right in front of mine.Shedarts her head forward and retraces the same salty path with her tongue.Thenshe presses the shot glass to her lips and tosses her head back.Herface is all scrunched up when she lowers her head to me again, and that’s before she shoves the lime wedge between her lips.Whenshe does, she sucks the damn life out of that thing, her cheeks hollowed out from the effort.

Shit.Ican never let this woman take a shot anywhere near me ever again.

“Yougood?”Iask quietly.

Selenanods, and then takes the lime out of her mouth, puts it in the shot glass, and grins at me.

“Thanksfor the assist.”