“JacksonWatersknows how to use the phone?Breakingnews, people.Breakingfucking news.”


“Whatdo you want?We’reheading out.”

“Whythe hell is everyone going out tonight?Andwhy wasn’tIinvited?”

“Becauseit’sSaturdaynight.Andwe’re not all prematurely old men, like you.Whatdo you want?”

“Iwas calling to see ifIcould come over for a beer.Maybeplay someXbox?”

“Youthink we stay home playing video games on aSaturdaynight?Dude,Ithink you’re doingL.A. wrong.”

“Shutup.Whereare you going?”

“TheGoldrushover inWesternRidge.”

“Whythe hell are you going all the way over there?”

“Becauseit’s the only bar in fifty kilometers.”

“Stillnot a good enough reason.”

“Jacks, you know whereSelenais right now, don’t you?”


Thelaugh on the other end tells me that my girlfriend and best friend are most definitely not safe at home atLily’splace.I’mon my feet and heading inside to grab my keys beforeIcan ask the question, “Wherethe hell are they?”

“They’reat theGoldrush.Thesame with everyone else under forty in this town.Exceptyou, that is.”

“You’vegot to be fucking kidding me.”

Jasperlets out a long whistle. “Shereally didn’t tell you?”

“No.Shedidn’t fucking tell me.Shejust said thatLilywas picking her up for some girl time.Areyou sureSelena’sthere?”

Jamesonstarts talking in the background. “Tellhim what she’s wearing!”

“Whatthe fuck is she wearing?”Idemand.

“Well,Lilyjust posted a thirst trap forGunnaron herInstagram, andI’mpretty sure that wasSelenadancing in the background.Ican’t believe you let her out of the house like that.”Jaspersounds a little fucking judgmental about whatIapparentlyletSelenago out in, considering he doesn’t have a woman of his own to escape to the bar without him in something he wouldn’t want her to be wearing.

“Outof the house like what?”Idemand at the same time someone else says, “Whatthe hell do you know about thirst traps?”

It’sGunnar.ThenIhear a heavy thump, andJaspergroans.

“Itwasn’t forme.Andshut up aboutLily’sthirst traps beforeIbeat some sense into you.Lord, you must have hit every stupid branch on the way down,”Gunnar’svoice sounds in the background.

“I’llmeet you there,”Itell them before hanging up.I’mnot sure if anyone’s even listening.AllIknow is thatIneed to get toSelenaand bring her home. “Okay, buddy, you’re staying here tonight.I’mgoing to bringSelenahome.”

Oatsmakes a whiney howl sound atSelena’sname. “Iknow you miss her.Metoo, buddy.I’mgoing to bring her back home.”



Imake it toWesternRidgein record time, partially on account of the lack of traffic, and partially because my foot was heavy on the gas the entire way.Afterparking the truck down the street,Ihead into the club, giving the bouncerIrecognize from years ago a hundred on my way in.