“Thisplace is so cute!”Selenacries out for at least the tenth time as she looks around us.IfIwas trying to avoid us being seen together here inWesternSprings, she would have outed us in ninety seconds.Anyonewho’s this excited to be here, definitely isn’t from around here.

“Iguess.I’vebeen coming here my entire life.Itjust feels like home to me.”Lookingaround,Ican see whatSelenasees in the place.Thediner is older than my dad, probably older than my grandparents.Theancient brick walls are lined with farm tools and black and white photos of people, along with tractors and cows, horses and dogs.Thebooths are covered in an old robin’s egg blue leather with white trim.There’sa long bar counter with robins’ egg blue laminate and chrome edging.Therest of the tables and chairs match.Everythingin this place is brick, robin’s egg blue, white, and chrome.Bigglass windows look out overGroveStreet, the main street inWesternSprings.Thisplace is actually called theGroveStreetDiner.Butsince there’s only one diner in town, most people just call itthe diner.

Tryingto see the place likeSelenais,Irealize it looks like a movie set, except that it’s real.Morethan half of the photos are of peopleIrecognize, or thatI’vebeen told who they are.Iknow thatB17on the jukebox in the corner plays my mom’s favorite country song, an oldPatsyClineclassic.Idon’t even need to look at the menu to know whatI’mordering.Thisdiner has the best omelets and hash browns in the country.AndIdon’t give two shits that hash browns are not on my approved nutrition plan.Nutritionplans don’t apply inWesternSprings.

“There’sthe cutest little bakery over there.Canwe go check it out after breakfast?”She’sleaning across the table towards me to get a better look at the old brick building across the street.Thewhite shutters and striped awning have both seen better days.Theinches of creamy skin over the neckline of her dress have not.Shemight be staring out at the town, butI’mstaring at every inch ofSelena’sbreasts on display this morning.Likethe undeserving jackass,Iam.

“Canwe?Gocheck out the bakery?”Selenaasks again whenIdon’t respond.

Right.Answerthe woman, don’t just stare at her tits like a creep. “Ugh…Thebakery closed a few years back.Andhasn’t re-opened since.But, yeah, we can go over and take a look.Peekin the windows.Likereal creepers.”I’mthe only creeper here.

“Perfect!”Thehuge smile she gives me makes me feel even worse.

“Wholives up there on the hill?”

“That’stheElliotplace.They’rethe richest family in town.”

“You’renot the richest family in town?”

“Idon’t know.Maybe.ButIdon’t actually live here.Andyou’ve been to the farm.We’renot fancy.Ididn’t grow up rich.”

“Ilove the farm.It’sperfect.Ilove the house.Andthe-”

Ilaugh. “Yeah,Iknow.Youlove the porch swing.Andthe wind chimes above the porch swing.”

“Ireally, really do.Anddon’t thinkIdidn’t notice the garden this morning.It’sadorable.”

Iglance down at the table and then back up at her as a fist wraps around my heart, squeezing tight. “Thatwas my mom’s garden.Lilykeeps it going since she passed.Dadnever really understood agriculture on a smaller scale.Hedoesn’t really have time for herbs.”

“Jacks?Whatare you doing here?”IhearJarret’svoice call out from the front of the diner.

Glancingup,Isee all four of my brothers heading towards us.Everysingle one of them is in boots, jeans, t-shirts, and plaid shirts.Threeout of four are wearing backward baseball caps.

“We’regetting breakfast.Sameas you.”

“Guessour invite got lost in the mail,”Jamesonsays with a grin.

“Guessso,”Imutter.Ithought we lucked out getting one of the few big booths in the back.ButnowI’mregretting it.Ifwe were sitting at one of the tiny tables up front, my brothers wouldn’t be able to crash.

“Mindif we join you?”

Selenabeams up atJasper. “Ofcourse, not…”

“Jasper,” he fills in for her.

“Jasper, right.Pleasejoin us.”Selenabites her lip. “Butmaybe we should move to a bigger table?”

“Goodidea.Orthey could get their own damn table…”Imutter, knowing that it’s not going to happen.Andknowing even more thatI’ma complete asshole for wanting to be alone and stare atSelena’stits instead of spending time with my brothers whenI’mhome for the first time in years.

“Noneed.Plentyof room here.We’lljust squeeze right in,”Jasperpromises, as he tries to do just that right next toSelena.

“Watchwhere you’re squeezing, brother.”Ithrow my arm overSelena’sshoulders and shove my brother back a few inches to give her some space.Shedoesn’t seem to mind, and my arm over her shoulders is a pretty solid case for us being together, soIleave it.JasperandJensenslide in on her side.JarretandJamesonslide in on mine.

“Youorder yet?”Jensenasks, rubbing his stomach.

“Yes.Food’sprobably almost here.Morereason for you to get your own damn table,”Igrumble.

“That’sokay.Wecan wait.”Selenapicks up my wrist off the table and tilts it towards her to read the time.