Thenshe’s slapping her hands against my chest excitedly. “Ohmy god,Jackson!Isthis real?Seriously?It’snot!Isit?Oh, my god?”

“Wouldyour second-favorite hundreds of years old teen vampire lie to you?”

“Youhave got to be kidding me!Thisis an originalRaven-Cont-shirt with all the cast members’ signatures on it?Fromthe first everRaven-Con?”Shefrowns and looks down at it, tugging at the neck for something. “Whatsize is it?Idon’t care if this is a collector’s item.Ifit fits,Iam putting this thing on and never taking it off.UnisexXL… it should fit...” she mumbles to herself likeI’mnot even here.

Actually,Ithink she has forgotten thatI’mhere.Shethrows the door wide open when she rushes back inside.Thenshe tears the towel off her head and tosses it onto the bed.Sherips off her thin cotton bathrobe, andIget a view of what’s underneath.

Shehas on some sort of silky lavender tank top and matching loose shorts.Withbits of cream lace over her breasts and the sides of her hips.It’snot like any pajamasI’veever seen before, that’s for sure.Shit, my dick pulls against my jeans at the sight of how her ass fills out the loose shorts.Thetank top rides up, exposing a few creamy inches of skin on her lower back as she throws up her arms to pull on the t-shirt.Thenshe pulls it down.Itfits snugly around her hips, and when she turns around to face me, it’s pulled tight over her breasts.Nottoo tight, just the right amount of tight.Hernipples are poking through.Theylook big and hard.Ihave to clench my hands into fists at my sides to stop myself from reaching out and touching them.Ithink she’s almost as excited about the damn t-shirt asIam at seeing her in those silky pajamas.

“Thisis the best thing anyone has ever given me.Iam never taking it off.Never!”

Ican’t help but smile. “Gladyou like it.”

“Idon’t like it,Jackson.Iloveit!Myteenage self would have committed unspeakable crimes to get my hands on one of these.AndallIhad to do was pretend to date a movie star.”

“Youmeandatea movie star.”

Shelooks up at me, surprised. “Right.Can’tslip up, even when we’re alone.AllIhad to do wasdatea movie star.”

“Ishould let you get to bed.”Lettingher go to bed alone is the last thingIwant to do.Butit’s the right thing to do. “Night,Selena.”


WhenIturn to walk away from her, forcing one foot in front of the other with every step,Ifeel her grab my hand.Turningback to look at her,Iwonder if she’s inviting me into her room.

“Imean it,Jackson.Thisis seriously the best gift anyone has ever given me.Thankyou!”Shethrows her arms around my neck, andIfeel her hard nipples press against my chest in the middle of all her softness.Ihave to tilt my hips back so she doesn’t feel the half chub pressing against my jeans.

“You’rewelcome, baby.Goodnight.”

So, that’s a hard no on her inviting me into her bed.




Blueballs.Isthere a stronger term than blue balls?Indigoballs?Navyballs?Whateverit is,I’vegot it.Iwas up half the night thinking aboutSelenain those light purple pajamas, arguing with myself over wanting to jerk off and telling myselfIwas a fucking pervert ifIdid.

Thewalls are too thin to jerk off.Thehot water in the shower is finicky.So,I’deither end up scalded or freezing ifItried to rub one out.Iused to take that risk whenIwas a teenager, butI’ma grown man now.

Theway she talked about how goodIam at sex, that has to mean she’s thought about it, right?Ican’t be the only one thinking about it nonstop.Maybeshe’s not thinking about it as much asIam, because that’s not humanly possible.Butshe has to be thinking about it at least a little to come through with that kind of detail on the fly?Right?Right?

Fuck, what if it is just me?WhatifI’mjust a dirty old man jerking off and thinking about the woman doing him a favor?Whatthe hell amIdoing?Thewoman had the misfortune of getting stuck in an elevator with me.ThenIembarrass her on nationalTV.ThenItrap her again into pretending to date me for two months.AndIcan’t even do the right thing and just leave it strictly business.Noteven whenI’mcontractually prohibited from fucking her.AllIcan think about is fucking her and pressing my dick balls deep between those thick thighs.AndIdon’t just want to fuck her.Iwant to push her dark hair back from her face and kiss her.Icould kiss her for days on end and not come up for breath.Shit,Iam such a fucking perverted old man.

She’sso pretty and sweet.Ifshe hadanyidea of the thoughtsIhave about her, she’d run for the fucking hills.She’dbe on the first flight she could to get away from me.

Noneof whatIcan’t stop thinking about was part of the contract.Itwasn’t what she agreed to.So,Ihave to keep it to myself.Ionly have to get through five more weeks of this.Fivemore weeks of this, and thenI’llbe free to fuck someone who actually wants me.Fivemore weeks of fucking torture.

Betweenworrying about my dad and wanting whatIcan’t have,I’mso tenseIcould snap at any minute.Standingup from my childhood double bed,Igrab the pair of gray sweatsIpacked and head to the bathroom.DidIremember she seemed interested in my gray sweats back in the elevator whenIpacked them?MaybeIdid.MaybeIdidn’t.

Thehouse is quiet.IthinkI’mthe first one up.Afterbrushing my teeth,Igrab myAirPodsand then toss them back down on the nightstand.There’sno noise to drown out here.Justbirds chirping and maybe the odd pickup driving off in the distance.

Istop outsideSelena’sopen door, not letting myself look in.Idon’t know whatIwould do if she tossed the covers off, andIsaw an eyeful of creamy bare skin.

Lettingout a low whistle,IcallOatsquietly. “Oats.Let’sgo for a run, you little traitor.”

Hedoesn’t need to be told twice.He’sout ofSelena’sroom and bounding down the stairs beforeIcan tell him to slow the hell down so he doesn’t wake her.Rushingdown the stairs after him,Ifall into a run the minute my feet touch the ground next to the front porch.Iused to run through the fields every morning whenIwas in high school.ThenIleft home at eighteen and never looked back.Notreally.Ivisited over the years.Ilove my family.ButIhaven’t spent more than four nights in a row back home sinceIleft, except when my mom was sick.