Whenthe man knocks on my door, it feels like the entire house is shaking.


Aftermaking him wait a whole minute,Ianswer the door.

“HeyJackson,”Isay, trying not to be completely obvious about the way my eyes trace up and down his body.Howdoes a man make jeans and a t-shirt look this impossibly hot?

“Readyto go?”Whenhe holds out his hand for me,Itake it without thinking.ThenIlet him lead me out the door, pulling it to lock after me.

There’sonly a few cameras trained on us as we make our way toJackson’scar.Iguess now that we’reofficial, we’re less interesting.Whateverthe reason,I’lltake it.

Jacksondidn’t really cover how to act around the photographers, soIjust follow whatI’veseen celebrities do in magazines and keep my head down, my face almost buried inJackson’sback.

Whenhe holds the passenger door open for me,Iclimb in.


Hewaits untilInod before shutting the door and walking around to the driver’s side.

“I’msorry about that.Ididn’t think they’d still be here.Howbad has it been?”Jackson’sjaw is hard, one of the few signs of what he’s thinking.

“I’mdefinitely not getting used to it.Butat least there’s less of them now.Sometimes,Iwear a baggy hoodie out in the morning becauseIjust can’t face them.Butother than that, it’s okay,Iguess.”

“I’mreally sorry,Selena.Imean it.”

“It’spart of whatIsigned up for.It’snot your fault.”Reachingover to pinch his arm,Ismile at him. “Well, it’s notentirelyyour fault.”

Thesmile he gives me is almost sad, soItry to change the subject. “What’sthe plan tonight?Ican’t help but notice that there does not appear to be a handsomeDoodleboy in the backseat.”

“Iknew it.Thewoman’s just using me for my damn dog.”

“He’sa fantastic dog.”

“He’salright.”Theway he says it,Ican tell how muchJacksonloves his dog. “Whatdo you feel like doing?Idon’t care.OnlyIwas wondering if there’s anything elseIcan do for you?Tomake up for all the cameras.Forall of it.Maybewe could go to your bakery or something?Drawsome attention to it?Getyou some free publicity?”

Ishrug. “Sure, that would be great.Justlet me know when you want to go.”

“Howabout now?Whygive somewhere else all the business?Ifwe go to your place, everyone who posts our picture is going to say where we are.That’swhat’s called free advertising.”

Ibat my eyelashes up at him. “Oh, wise man.WhateverwouldIdo without you here to explain things to me?”

Jacksonlets out a low whistle. “Ihonestly don’t know.It’sa good thing you found me that elevator.Luckygirl.”

“Foundyou?Please!Youwere the lucky one.Youwouldn’t have survived an hour without all mygoodies.”

Jacksonfrowns at me. “Punchthe address into theGPS.”

Leaningforward,Itype the address into theGPSonJackson’sdashboard, grateful for the opportunity to hide my red face behind a curtain of my hair.

DidIjust saygoodies?Whatis wrong with me?Howhard is it to say snacks?Orprotein balls?Orbaked goods?Oranything else that doesn’t sound vaguely sexual?Apparently, very hard.

It’sa forty-five minute drive from where we are to the bakery kitchen in rush hour traffic, according to theGPS. “It’sforty-five minutes away.AndI’mnot sure if anyone will even be there.We’rea start early, finish early type of business.”

“Idon’t mind.NothinginL.A. is close.”Jacksonglances at me out of the side of his eye. “Yourgoodieswere pretty tasty.Wouldyou make them for me again sometime?”

“Icould probably do that.Bakingfor you would definitely earn me some fake girlfriend bonus points.”

“You’vegot to stop saying it’s fake,Selena.Themore you say that in private, the more likely it is you say it when someone else is around.Orwhen you think it’s private.Trustme, there isn’t a whole lot of private in my life.So, we’ve got to act like it’s real.Allthe time, okay?”