“Nota good idea, then?”

“Absolutelynot.Iwouldn’t be able to even pretend to date someone with a tattoo like that.”


“Right.Iwouldn’t be able todatesomeone with a tattoo like that.”

“We’rehere.Readyto put your game face on?”

“Mygame face isalwayson!”

“Youhave the worst game face of anyoneI’veever met.”


Jacksonleans over, and his face hovers next to mine, like he’s going to kiss me.Holyshit.Kissingwasn’t in the contract.Butif he did kiss me, wouldIreally push him away?

“Readyto be in love with me?”

Thenhe clicks my seatbelt and leans back to his own seat like nothing happened.Meanwhile,I’mabout to hyperventilate as flashes of bright lights shine into the car and photographers swarm us.



Valmust have tipped off the photographers that we’d be here.Evenfor theRoastedBeanon aFridayafternoon, this is a lot.WhenIglance over atSelena, she has a big smile on her face.Buther eyes are wide.Thetop half of her face and the bottom half don’t match at all.

Takingher hand,Igive it a squeeze to reassure her.Whenher eyes widen even more,Iknow thatI’vefreaked her out.I’mjust some random guy grabbing onto her hand like he has a right to.

Ithink of all the thingsIcould say to her, and thenIthink how every single one of them would tell anyone within earshot that this is fake.So,Isettle on the obvious.

“Sorryagain about all of this.Itkind of comes with the territory.”

“Oh, it’s okay.I’mjust not used to it.”Selenasmiles up at me likeIhung the damn moon. “Butyou’re worth it.”

Shit.She’sgood at this.Theway she’s staring up at me.That’sthe money shot right there.Wecan go home now.

Butsince we’re here, and sinceI’mhungry,Ihold the door open forSelenato step inside before me.

“Sucha gentleman,” she whispers.

“Mymom would kill me ifIdidn’t hold the door open for my girlfriend.”

“That’ssweet.Ican’t wait to meet her,”Selenasays, and then frowns.

“Shepassed a few years ago.”

Shepresses her hand against my forearm.Mymuscles tense involuntarily. “Jackson,I’mso sorry.Ididn’t know…”

“Whywould you?Don’tworry about it.Itwas a long time ago.”

Idon’t have to look around to know the photographers outside are clicking away at us through the enormous glass windows next to us.Selenalooks worried, and that can come across a thousand different ways in a still photo.Noneof them good.

Leaningdown towards her ear to distract her,Iget a nose full of berries, vanilla, and sugar.Damn, she smells good. “Don’tlook so worried.Allthose photographers out there are snapping a hundred photos a minute.Theycan turn one frown into a massive fight.So, we have to keep smiles on our faces, okay?Maybelaugh likeIsaid something funny.”

Selenagiggles in my ear.WhenIpull back,Ican see the ear-to-ear smile on her face.Sheis good at this.Reallygood.

“Areyou ready to order?”Thewoman behind the counter asks.