“What’swrong?You’renever this quiet.”

“Youdon’t know me well enough to know whatI’mlike most of the time.”

“IthinkIgot to know you pretty well in the elevator.Howoften do you spend six straight hours just staring at someone and talking to them?Iconsider it a crash course inSelenaMiller.”

“Thatwas an extreme circumstance and totally doesn’t count.”

“Ithink it counts.”

“WhatdidIdo wrong?Ican tell you’re mad about something.So, just tell me.It’sworse not knowing.”

“You’renot my friend,Selena.”Ienunciate each syllable through my gritted teeth.



Ilet the breathIwas holding out on a long sigh. “Rude, but okay.That’swhatIwas trying to tell you.Webarely know each other.”

Thiswhole thing has my head spinning.Aftera few minutes of driving the curvy road leading down toL.A. fromJackson’sridiculously expensiveHollywoodHillshome,I’mstill struggling to wrap my mind around everything.Iwas primed to be positive and be a great fake girlfriend—the best fake girlfriend—but being withJacksonagain, in his house and in his car, meeting his housekeeper, has me all twisted up.

Everythingabout him is confusing.Thecountry slowness to his voice.Theway he held the door open for me.Hisenormous house.I’veheard of two-car garages and three-car garages.ButJackson’sgarage is enormous.Heonly has three cars in here, but you could fit five times as many.

“No,Imean, you can’t tell people you’re my friend.YoutoldMargritthat you’re myfriend.Andyou’re not.You’remy girlfriend.ItrustMargritnot to mention it.Shehas anNDA.Butif it had been anyone else…Youneed to get used to saying that you’re mygirlfriend.Tryit out.”

“What?No.There’sno one else here.”

“Notime like the present.Goon.Introduceme as your boyfriend.”

“Fine.”Ireach out and shake hands with an imaginary person above the dash ofJackson’smassiveSuburban. “Hi,Bob.It’sso nice to meet you.I’mSelena.Who’sthis?Oh, he’s no one.That’sjust myboyfriend.Youcan ignore him.Hecan be super annoying.”

“Charming.Goagain.Andwho the fuck isBob?”

“Hi,Claire.I’mSelena.I’mJacksonWaters’ girlfriend.Oh, you don’t know who he is?That’sso funny!Me, either!”

“That’sjust not true.Youknew exactly whoIwas when we met.”

“Clairedoesn’t know that.”

“Whothe fuck isClaire?”

“Theimaginary person whoI’mintroducing myself to,Nugget.”

Jacksonglares at me. “Wheredo your parents live?Doyou have any siblings?Weneed to know this stuff.”

“Justmy mom.Nodad in the picture.Momlives inRiverside.That’swhereIgrew up.She’sretired now, but she was a teacher.Oneyounger brother.He’sa hockey player.Minorleague right now, but he’s going to make it to the pros.Iknow it.I’msuper proud of him.Butunfortunately for me, he got every available bit of athleticDNAin the family.”

Jacksoneyes me up and down. “Ahockey player, huh?Couldhe kick my ass?”

“Definitely,Nugget.Definitely,”Ipromise him with a huge smile.Although,I’mactually not so sure about that.Jacksonis taller and has at least twenty pounds on my brother.Butmy brother’s younger and scrappy.Andthere’s the whole professional athlete thing, too.Andhe plays hockey, so he knows how to fight.EvenifIhave to cover my eyes whenever he gets into a fight during a game.

“Mymom was a teacher, too.AndIhave four brothers.”

“Fourbrothers, got it.”Thereare more of him?Thatjust seems wrong. “Olderor younger?”


“I’vehad a few boyfriends.Twoserious ones.Nothingrecent.You?”