“I’mclose to booking this big franchise lead.It’sbetween me and two other guys.Idon’t know exactly how long we’d need to do this.Butnot more than two months?Eightweeks?Probablyless.Probablya lot less.”

“Twomonths?Eightweeks.Probablyless.Probablya lot less,”Irepeat his words, thinking them over asIsound out every syllable.Two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand dollars for two months’ work.Andthis would be work.Hardwork to be aroundJacksonand pretend thatI’veforgiven him for what he did.Butnever in my life didIthinkIcould make that kind of money in that amount of time.AndallIhave to sacrifice is my dignity and privacy.Botharelonggone anyway, thanks toJacksonWaters.

“AndallIhave to do ispretendto like you?Nothingphysical?”AmIreally considering agreeing to this?I’mnot.Ican’t be.It’sjust that this money would put me at least ten years ahead in my plans forLadycakes.MaybeIcould jump ahead to the dream of actually opening a real bakery?Thekind where people drink coffee and eat pastry and steal theWi-Ficonnection.

“Nothow you’re thinking.”Jacksonshifts on his feet again. “Wehave to be convincing.Somaybe we can hold hands, orIput my hand on your back, my arm over your shoulders.Stufflike that.”

“Butyou don’twantto have sex with me?”Thewords are out of my mouth beforeIcan stop them.Ofcourse,JacksonWatersdoesn’twantto have sex with me.Hecould have any girl he wants, and a plus size baker who lives inEchoParkis the last person he’d be interested in.

“Youdon’thaveto have sex with me,Selena.Wecan put that in the contract.Ironclad.Andyou can have your own lawyer look at it before you sign.I’llpay for you to have your own lawyer, if you don’t already have one.”

Ireally want to say no.Ireally, really want to tellJacksonWatersto get the hell out of my house and never darken my doorstep again.

Buthis offer is just too good.It’san offerIcan’t say no to.



“Giveme your phone.”

Hiseyebrows snap together. “Whydo you want my phone?”

“So,Ican put my number in it.Becauseyou have yourself a fake girlfriend for the next two months.Hopefullyless.Hopefully, a lot less.”


Seven weeks. Probably less. Probably a lot less…


“Shitor get off the pot,Jackson!”Val’svoice is going to be ringing in my ear long after we hang up. “It’sbeen a week, and everyone is still talking about #elevatorgirl.Butno one is talking about how you’re officially dating #elevatorgirl.Becauseno one knows!Getthe girl and go toErewhonor something.HitupNobu.Idon’t care.Justgo somewhere public and get photographed!Today!”

“Alright, alright.I’llsee if she has time to meet up today.”

“You’repaying her two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand dollars, she can make the time.I’mhanging up now.Don’tmake me have to call you again tomorrow to have the same conversation we’ve had every day for the last week.”


IhaveSelena’snumber.Thecontract andNDAwere both signed a week ago, butIhaven’t so much as texted her sinceIleft her house the other night.Valand my lawyer handled the contracts.Selenadidn’t even care enough to hire her own lawyer.EvenwhenIoffered to pay for it again.

Butthe contract is fair.It’swhat we agreed to.Shepretends to be my girlfriend for two months in exchange for two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand dollars.Nosex.It’sthere in black and white in the contract.NotthatIwould ever take advantage of her.I’vealready done more than enough to this woman.Thelast thing she wants is me touching her.

I’mallowed to hold her hand, to touch her shoulder, waist, and lower back ifIput my arm around her, and get close enough so it looks like we’re kissing when we’re not.That’sit.Andonly when we have an audience.Fullstop.

Butif we don’t go out in public soon,IthinkValmight actually murder me.So, here goes nothing.

Jackson:Canyou come over to my place today?Iwant to show you around.Andthen if it’s okay with you, maybe we can get some food?Inpublic?It’sJackson.

Selena:Iknow who it is

Selena:Thisis what you bought and paid for.I’mworking until four, butIcan come over after.Sendme your address…

Jackson:Youhave a car, right?Ididn’t even think to ask you that before

Jackson:Ican have someone come get you…

Selena:Ihave a car.ThisisL.A.Everyonehas a car