“Thisplace looks amazing.I’mso proud of you,Selena,” he tells her with a big smile on his face.Selenanever had a dad, and she’s starting to know what it’s like having a really fucking great one.

Thenall of my brothers hug her, too.WhenJasperholds onto her a little too long just to piss me off,Ihaul him away from her.Jamesondances her side to side.EvenJarretandJensenlikeSelena, and they’re both grumpy assholes like me.Mybrothers andGunnarclap me on the back likeIdid something.Butthis place was all her.

Selenaeventually lets go of my hand and walks around behind the counter.

“Dowe get a friends-and-family discount?”Lilyasks, batting her lashes atSelena.She’sfirst in line at the counter because all the men in my family let her go first. “Andis the first official coffee free?”

“Yes, you get a family discount.Butplease try not to abuse it.Iknow how much youWatersboys eat.You’lleat right into my profit margins.”

“Theycan pay full price for a coffee and a croissant, baby,”Imutter, shaking my head at her.

“I’llbuy you a coffee,Lily,”Jamesonoffers. “Andmaybe a cupcake too, if you’re lucky.”

Abig smile coversLily’sface. “Thanksfor offering now that you know there’s a family discount.Butyou need to be careful and save your money.Ifyou spend all your money buying me breakfast, who’s going to buy hard lemonade for your little girlies at theGoldrushthis weekend?”

Jamesonbumps into her side and grins down at her, jerking his chin up. “Jealous?”

Lilybursts out laughing.Thenshe reaches up and messes up his hair like she’s been doing to me since high school. “So,sojealous.Ispend all my nights at home crying about being too old for you to hit on at theGoldrush.Thanksfor the laugh, kid.Jackscan buy me a coffee, though.Anda breakfast sandwich.Thanks, bestie!”

Pullingmy wallet out of my back pocket,Igrab one of my cards and put it down on the counter in front of one ofSelena’snew employees. “Justuse my card today.Foreveryone.Whateverpeople want.”

“Jackson!”Selenashouts at me from across the service counter.

“I’mjust supporting your business, baby.Iwant to.So, let me.”

Sheshrugs, but she’s giving me one of her big sunshine smiles. “Fine.Butyou’re an idiot.It’slike you’re paying yourself.”

“Yeah,I’mnot too worried about the math.CanIhave the first coffee, though?Sorry,Lil.Yoursis free, but you’re getting the second official coffee fromLadycakes.”

“Ofcourse,Nugget.”Selenatilts her head and smiles at me. “Wantto come back here and help me make it?You’rebetter at this stupid expensive espresso machine thanIam.”

“Yougot it, baby.”Iwalk around the counter to join my wife.She’sright.We’realready married in every way that matters.

“Ohmy god,Jacksis making the coffees now?”Lilyasks, rolling her eyes. “Imean,Iknow a lot of actors work as baristas, but come on.”

“Usingthe espresso machine is just one of my many talents.Selenacan tell you how goodIam with my hands, if she hasn’t already,”ItellLily, shrugging asIwalk around the counter toSelena.

Selenaswats my chest for that, butIjust wrap an arm around her and haul her against my side. “Whatdo you want,Lil?”

“Aniced rosemary brown sugar oat latte, please and thank you.”

“Comingright up.”

Lily’sright.Mostactors don’t want to spend their days making coffees.ButI’llgiveSelenawhatever she needs.I’ddo anything to put the kind of smile on her face that she gives me whenIput the portafilter under the expensive grinderIbought her.Thecoffee setup was my thing.Ipicked out everything from the espresso machine to the grinder to the beans.Selenaknows how to use everything now, butIthink she’s still a little intimidated by it.I’llbe right here helping her until she’s confident she has the hang of it.There’snowhere elseI’drather be than by her side.

I’mso freaking proud of my baby for opening this place.Notto mention the newL.A. location.

Ilove the house she picked out for us inL.A.

Ilove the life she gave me.

Wespend as much time here inWesternSpringswith my family as we can.Wego back toL.A. whenIneed to be there for work.Andfor the first time in my life, the first thingIthink about whenIlook at a new script is where it’s filming and how it’s going to affect my family.

BecauseSelenagave me my family back.

She’sthe best thingIever had.

Spendmore time inWesternSpringswithLilyandJamesoninNothingLikeIExpected, a steamy best friend’s brother, reverse age gap, small town romance.READNOW