“Idon’t want to talk anymore,Jackson.”

“So, you’re just not going to talk to me?”

Idon’t answer.Idon’t know what to say.Ionly know whatIneed right now.WhatIneed is to be in his arms and feel him touch me one last time.

Turningaway from him,Iwalk over to the bed.Ipull the towel off of my wet hair and toss it over a chair.AndthenIslowly slip my robe off and do the same with it.Ipull the covers back and climb into bed, pulling the duvet back up to my waist and leaving my breasts where he can see them.

“Idon’t want to talk.Iwant you to make me come.”

Jackson’seyes snap from my breasts to my face. “You’retelling me you want sex, baby?”


“Makeme come,Jackson.Iwant you to make me come.”

“Baby,I’malways going to give you whatever you want.Whateveryou need.”

He’slying, even if he doesn’t know it.ThethingIwant most from him is his heart.Andhe’s never going to give that to me.

Hewants things to go back to before things got complicated.BeforeIfell in love with him.Onlyhe doesn’t know how longI’vebeen in love with him.Itfeels likeI’veloved him forever.ButI’veonly known him for two months.Andthe six hours in the elevator.

Ishouldn’t feel howIdo about him in so little time.Hethinks of me as a friend.Helikes having sex with me.Andif sex is what he’s willing to give me, thenI’mgoing to take it.Iwant to spend my last night withJacksonin his arms.BecauseIknow after tonight thatI’mnever going to feel his arms around me again.



AfterIshut the bathroom door,Idon’t lock it.I’mhoping she barges in here and jumps in the shower with me, demandingImake her come three times before the water gets cold.Butshe never comes in to join me.

Aftershowering and brushing my teeth,Itowel dry and then wrap a towel across my hips.Ishould throw on some underwear, butI’mtoo tired to care.Andit’s not like it’s going to matter, anyway.Ihaven’t touchedSelenain weeks.Shehasn’t wanted me to.Allshe had to do was ask, andIwould have broken my vow not to fuck her again until we clear things up between us.

TheminuteI’mout of the bathroom, she hands me a sharpie and orders me to sign her damn ass.

IknowI’mnot supposed to like it.ButIlove my name on her soft flesh.Iwant to fuck her from behind and see her ass bounce with my name written all over it every timeIthrust hard into her.

Whenshe asks me to make her come,I’mlost.

It’sall fucking over.

I’macross the room so fast my head spins.Islip my towel off my hips and toss it on top of hers.ThenIpull the duvet back and lay down next to her, half on top of her.ThenIpull her against me, wrapping my arms around her.She’sso small and so soft.Sofucking perfect.Andfucking naked.Thiswoman is trying to kill me.

Sherolls her hips, pressing her thigh into me.Mydick instantly reacts to her touch.Itwould be so easy to just slide over a few inches and push inside her.I’mso fucking desperate for it.

“Areyou sure about this, baby?”

Whenshe nods, my whole body feels it. “Iwant it,Jackson.Iwant you to make me come.Iwant this.”

“Allyou ever had to do was ask, baby.”Leaningback,Ipull all the extra pillows out from behind her head and push her down flat onto her back.ThenIlean over her, splitting my weight between pinning her down onto the bed and pushing onto my elbows.

Ipress my lips against hers in the first proper kissI’vehad in more than two weeks.Thekind of kiss whereIdon’t have to stop or slow down or worry about who’s watching us.Likealways, she lights a fire in me that there’s no hope of putting out.Mydick is rock hard, andIroll it against her thigh.

“Tellme what you want.Youwant me to eat out that pretty pussy?Youwant this hard dick inside you, baby? ”

Shedarts up, her forehead bonking into mine.


“Sorry!Sorry!”Selenarubs her hand over my forehead, soothing the pain. “Canwe do… other stuff?Remember,Ihave my period.”