Jacksonslips what feels like two fingers inside me, driving them in and out of my pussy.Itfeels good, but it’s so far from giving me whatIneed thatIwant to scream.Itry to scream, but it just comes out like a low humming.Jacksoncovers it up by talking.

SinceJacksonwon’t listen to reason,Itake matters into my own hands.Literally.

Igrab atJackson’shand and extend his thumb.ThenIpress his thumb inside me until it finds my clit.Whenhe doesn’t start doing whatIexpect him to do,Imove his thumb in circles and then torturous rubs over my clit.

Eventually,Jacksontakes over.Hestops plunging his fingers in and out of me, and curves them to meet his thumb.Herubs up and down against my inner wall, as his thumb does the same over my clit.Hishands on me always feel so good.It’slike he has a decoder ring for how to make me come.Theway he touches me.It’slike nothingI’veever felt.Itdoesn’t take long before my body jerks to a standstill in its efforts to fuckJackson’shand.Thenthe spasm hits asIclench againstJackson’sfingers inside me.Everywave feels like heaven.Jacksonkeeps working his thumb against my clit untilIstop jerking against him.WhenIfinally relax against his shoulder,Jacksonlifts his hand from my mouth.Thenhe shoves the wet fingers he used to make me come into my mouth, andItaste myself on him.Ilick and suck on his fingers until every trace of me is gone.ThenIbite him to let him knowI’mdone.

WhenIturn back to look atJackson, he’s grinning down at me.Heslides his thumb into his mouth and licks it clean.

Thenhe wraps his arms around me and rolls his hips.Ofcourse, he’s hard as a rock.ButIdon’t think evenJacksonwould try to have sex with me while he’s on a call.

Heholds me there, slowly grinding his dick into my ass for at least another fifteen minutes while he finishes his conversation.Ican’t say thatImind.Anorgasm is definitely the best medicine for a bad day at work.AndanytimeJacksonhas his arms wrapped around me and his big dick pressing into me, showing how much he wants me,I’mexactly whereIwant to be.



“Thankyou so much for your time.You’regoing to have to come out toAustraliaand visit the set.Definitely.Let’smake it happen,”Isay with a fake smile on my face asIwrap up the call and take out myAirPods.

Ihave much more important things to take care of tonight.Andthe list begins and ends with being balls deep in my girlfriend’s pretty wet pussy.

“Whothe hell were you talking to?”Selenatries to push up off of my lap, butIdon’t let her. “Ifit wasVal,I’mnever going to be able to look her in the eye again.”

“Don’tworry.Itwasn’tVal.Itwas an interview.WithDeluxeLifemagazine,”Itell her, resting my hands on her tits and starting to massage them just how she likes.JusthowIlike, too.

“Youdid not just do… that… to me while you were doing an interview!”Selenasputters.

“Thatwas why it was so important that you stay quiet.Nowyou can be as loud as you want to be, baby.”

Selenaleans back into me, rubbing her big ass into my hard cock as it presses against the zipper of my jeans.Herhands come to rest on top of mine, whereI’mmassaging her nipples.Justlike how she put her hands on mine and took what she wanted from me.Fuckme, but it’s hot when she uses me to take what she needs.

“Yeah?”Shegrinds her ass into my cock again.

“Yeah, baby,I’mgoing to make you come screaming my name this time,”Iwhisper against her ear.

Selenaleans forward just a little and starts sliding her hands behind her down my chest towards my dick.Ilike where this is going.

Thenshe presses hard against my stomach and ejects herself from my lap.There’sno other word for it.Oneminute, the woman is grinding up on my dick, and the next she’s halfway across the room.

“Whatthe hell…?Selena?”Icall after her. “Areyou coming back here?”

“Nope!” she calls from somewhere far away.Inthe opposite direction from the bedroom.

Reachingdown,Iadjust my dick and start thinking about the desert.Iguess only one of us is getting off right now.

AfterIpoke my head into half a dozen rooms,Ifind her in the kitchen.She’sstill wearing the dumbRaven’sRavinet-shirtIgave her back home.Shewears it all the time.ButIcan’t complain about how it pulls tightly across her tits and her ass, and just barely reaches her thighs.Onlynow she’s got an apron on top of it.She’sstill not wearing any pants, though.Justthat dripping wet thong.

“Iwant to fuck you,Selena.”

“Iguess you’re just going to have to wait.I’mfeeling very satisfied at the moment.”


“Whendo you think you might go back toWesternSprings?I’msure your family would love to have you back.AndLilymisses you already.”

“Iknow.Whenwe left,Iwas planning on heading back in a couple of weeks.Butthings are getting busier here, soIdon’t know.”IknowIneed to get back home.Butthere’s so muchIneed to take care of here beforeIcan.

“Youshould go back soon.Youseemed happy there.”