Californiawater conservation guidelines be damned.Imust stay in that shower for a whole twenty minutes trying to wash my bad day off of me.WhenIget out,Imoisturize every inch of my face and body, and then pull on myRaven’sRavinet-shirt.It’sa bit too tight, but this is the comfortIneed after the dayI’vehad.

MaybeI’llcurl up with my iPad and binge-watch a few old episodes?Raven’sRavineis my emotional supportTVshow.Ican’t help it, even ifJacksonhates being subjected to his twenty-year-old self doing some sort of weird, country, not-quite-Europeanaccent.I’maRaven’sRavinefangirl, andIdon’t care.Ilove every single minute of the show.ButI’dbe lying ifIsaid thatVampireVincentwasn’t starting to leapfrog ahead ofVampireClaudeas my favoriteRaven’sRavinevampire.

Thereisn’t any competition thatJacksondoesn’t win for me.Bestfake boyfriend, best sex, best melodramatic teen vampire.

WhenIstep out of the bedroom,Ihear more talking coming fromJackson’soffice.Idecide to peek my head in to see what he’s up to, and maybe try to mime to him thatI’mgetting hungry and going to start dinner.

Poppingmy head through the slightly open door,IseeJacksonat his desk, facing away from the wall-to-wall windows overlooking the pool and the entire city.Hehas a multi-million dollar view ofL.A., and he’s looking in the other direction at a white wall.

Buthim facing the door meansIdon’t have to work very hard to get his attention.He’swearingAirPodsand nodding.Hisface pulls into a slow grin when he sees me.Andnot for the first time,Ithink what a crime it is thatI’mthe only one seeing it.

Hemouthsheyto me, as he mumbles words of agreement to whoever he’s talking to.Thenhe crooks his finger at me to walk across the room to him.

Ishake my head vigorously.

Henods and crooks his finger again.

What’sthe harm?Ican seeJackson’sphone on the desk in front of him on a call.So, he’s just on a call to whoever he’s talking to, not a video chat or anything.

Whenhe crooks his finger at me a third time,Iroll my eyes and then nod.Mybare feet sink into the thick rug asImake my way across the office floor to him.Jackson’shouse is so new that nothing creaks.It’salso made of concrete, whichIthink helps in the not-creaking department.

Jacksonspreads his legs and motions for me to come stand between them.

WhenIdo, he presses his hand along my jaw, his thumb rubbing my cheek.Andwhen he speaks, he’s not talking to me. “AllIcan tell you is that this is the job of a lifetime, andI’mgoing to give it everythingI’vegot not to let anyone down.Let’smake this the biggest franchise in history.”

Mylips twitch.He’ssuch a smug country boy.Thisbig, famous movie star is just a cocky country boy at heart.

Whenhe’s done talking, his hand slides behind my neck and pulls me down to him until my lips meet his.Hepresses his lips hard against mine, and then slowly slips his tongue between them.Buthe’s careful not to make any wet sucking noises like he normally does when he kisses me.Whenhe loudly mmm-hmmms with his lips wrapped around my tongue, my knees go weak.Ican feel the smile of his lips against mine.Hekisses me like that for a while longer, mumbling unintelligible sounds of agreement to whoever he’s talking to.Thenhe lets me go and goes right back to talking.

“ShootinginAustraliais going to be an adventure.Andit’s one thatI’msuper excited about.Ican’t wait to get to know that great country better.Ozis going to be such a fantastic backdrop for the story we’re trying to tell.It’sgot ocean, desert, and insanely gigantic spiders.Whatmore could we ask for?”

Ican hear laughter echo fromJackson’sAirPods.

WhenInod towards the door and then turn to walk away to leave him in peace,Jacksonpulls me back.Hepulls me again, making me lose my balance, untilIfall backwards and land on his lap.

Leaningforward enough to turn and look back at him,Iraise an eyebrow.Jacksonjust stares back at me with an up-to-something gleam in his beautiful blue eyes.

Hesays random words that make little sense without the other side of the conversation.

“Totally…Yeah…Ofcourse, that was a big decision.”

Butat the same time, he pulls me tighter against him on his lap.Thenhe pulls my legs over his, so each of my thighs is on the outside of his.AndI’mspread wide open.

“Ofcourse.We’reall really excited thatDirtyBunnyis going to be collaborating on the soundtrack.They’reone of my favorite bands of all time.”

WhenIturn back to look up at him again,Jacksonpushes me against his chest and slides his hand down from my waist.Down.Down.Down.Hishand slips under my t-shirt and presses up against the lace of my panties.Mylingerie got a surprise upgrade afterJacksonstarted seeing it regularly.Nomore laundry day, white cotton undies for me.Nowit’s stretchy lace every single day of the week.

Heroughly tugs my thong aside and slips his middle and index fingers inside me.Hishand is in the same position that mine would be ifIwere touching myself, but this is nothing like whenItouch myself.Nothinglike it at all.

Jackson’sthick fingers take up all the available space, spreading my lips wide as he circles my clit.Heknows just what to do to have me panting in seconds.

Theheavy pads of his thick fingers press just enough to have me on the edge of his lap, begging for more.Morecontact.Morefriction.Moreteasing.

AsIride his lap and my hips try to fuck his hand,Ido my best to stay quiet.IhearJacksontalking behind me, butIdon’t know what he’s saying.Idon’t even care anymore.

Hepushes me right up to the edge and then backs off.

“Jacks-”Iwhisper.ButIdon’t get to finish becauseJacksonclamps a hand over my mouth.Ibare my teeth and try to bite at his fingers, unable to do more than pinch them.