“Inever asked for space, andIsure as fuck don’t want it.WhatIwant is for you to not be talking to assholes in dark corners whereIcan’t see you.”Ipinch the bridge of my nose, trying to relieve the tension in my head. “Youdon’t get it.Thewrong picture gets taken of you talking toDerek, and now my elevator girl is cheating on me.”

“Right.Becausethe wrong picture is all you care about.”

“Wereyou flirting with him?”

“What?Iwouldn’t do that.I’mnot a cheater.”

“That’swhatI’msaying.Youdon’t actually have to cheat to have it all blow up in my face.Youlaugh at the wrong guy, and someone takes a picture.That’sall it takes.”

“Ofcourse, this is about how everything looks.I’mso over caring about how anything looks!Isthe problem that a picture could have been taken of me talking to a human man and people make nonsense assumptions thatI’mcheating, that it wasDerekJonesIwas talking to, or thatI’msupposedly into him?”

Igrit my teeth. “Allof the above.”

“Thisis insane!You’rebeing ridiculous!”

“Iam not being ridiculous,Selena.Thisis my world.I’velived with the press and the tabloids and gossip sites for the last fifteen years.”

“Well, it’s all stupid.Youdidn’t have to drag me out of there like that.Didyou even try to read the room before coming in there with all that alpha male bullshit?”

“You’relucky my alpha male bullshit didn’t have me bending you over my knee and giving you a spanking in the middle of everyone.”Thepress would have fucking loved that.

“Youwouldn’t.”Selenafrowns. “You’retoo worried about your stupid image and all the cameras.”

“Maybe,”Imutter under my breath.NowthatIthink about it, maybeIshould have just bent her over my knee in front of everyone.Claimedher in front of everyone.Claimedher in front of the entire fucking world.Butthen the entire world would have seenSelena’screamy white ass, and that’s just for me.


“Thisis so stupid.Youreally have nothing to be jealous about.Trustme,”Selenamutters under her breath.

“Whatthe hell does that mean?”

“Itmeans thatI’mthe last personDerekJonesis going to be interested in.Hewas just being nice.”

“Yousure about that?Heseemed pretty happy to stare at your tits and invite you toLondon.”

“Thatwas just because he’s charming.AndBritish.Idon’t think he knows how to turn it off.”

“Youthought he was charming?”Igrowl. “Whydon’t you just take me through everything you two said to each other?Startat the beginning.”

“You’rebeing ridiculous!”

“I’mnot.Youhid out withDerekJonesin a dark corner instead of standing by my side.Whatthe hell amIsupposed to think?”

“You’reinsane!I’mnot interested inDerekJonesor anyone else, for that matter!”

“Whatthe hell does that mean?”

“Whatthe hell does that mean?Itmeans exactly whatIjust said!Itmeans thatI’mnot interested in anyone else!Itmeans that no man has ever made me come like you do!Itmeans that you havenothingto worry about.”

Selenalooks like she’s about to explode.Herface is red.Hereyes are glistening.She’sbreathing hard.

Shelooks fucking beautiful.

Shelooks like she does whenIfuck her.

Shelooks like she’s all fuckingmine.
