“Sorry.Sorryabout that.”Ilook around us to see if anyone else noticed me throw myself atJacksonand then jump out of his arms.Thereisn’t.Ifsomeone was there, it would have justified the first hug.ButI’mglad no one witnessed the rest.

“Youdon’t have a damn thing to be sorry for,” he mutters.

“Thisis so great… about your dad coming home.”

“Yeah, it is.”Jacksonlooks troubled now.Heshould be over the moon about his dad coming home from the hospital, but nowI’veruined that by throwing myself at him and making him uncomfortable.

“Doyou want me to call the home care company we picked and let them know we’ll need someone to start today?”

Jacksonpresses his forehead against mine. “No,I’lldo it.Butthank you for reminding me.WhatamIever going to do without you?”

Hestares at me for a long minute, and neither of us speaks.

“Comeon back.Everyone’scelebrating.”

“Hasthe testosterone in the room mellowed out?”

Jacksongrins at me and takes my hand in his. “Noteven a little bit.”

Asmile tugs at my lips the minuteIstep intoMr.Waters’ room.JamesonandJasperare sitting on the end of the bed.Jarret’sin the chair next to it.AndJensenis leaning against the plastic rail at the bottom.GunnarandLilyare here now, along withGunnar’sparents, his three sisters, and a bunch more people whose names and relationships toJacksonIshould really know at this point.

Itdidn’t take me long to figure outJackson’sbrothers.Afew long days at the hospital, andIknew thatJarret’sthe grumpy, serious one.Hethinks he’s the oldest brother, and he acts like it.ButIguess someone had to be the oldest brother, andJacksonwasn’t here.Jasper’sthe next oldest, and the most outgoing.He’salways joking and laughing.Andother thanJackson, he’s the only one who leftWesternSprings.Jasperwas in the military, but now he’s back home, safe and sound.ThenJensen.He’sthe oneIknow the least.He’shuge likeJacksonand doesn’t say much.AndthenJamesonis the youngest, and he acts like it, too.Hereminds me of my little brother.

Witheveryone here, the room sounds like a party.

Wait, a party isn’t a bad idea.

Whenthere’s a lull in the volume,Istep closer to the end ofMr.Water’sbed,Jacksonstill holding onto my hand.


“Yes, sweetheart?”Jackson’sdad looks up at me with a grin.

He’sjust as big and handsome asJackson.Andif he’s any indication,Jacksonand his brothers are going to have definiteZaddyvibes in about twenty-five years, give or take.Whoeverthese boys end up with are going to be some very, very lucky women.Ipush down the twingeIfeel at the thought ofJacksongetting married and riding off into the sunset with the luckiest woman on the face of the earth.Awoman who is definitely not me.

Returninghis smile,Itake a deep breath. “Jerry, would it be okay if make dinner for the whole family at the farm tonight to celebrate you coming home?Iknow how muchJacksonneeds to spend time with his family, with all of you.AndI’dreally like to do this for everyone.ButIdon’t want it to be too much for you.”

“Isanyone going to ask me about this?”Jacksongrumbles, squeezing my hand.

Theentire room erupts into a chorus ofnosandno ways, bringing a smile to my face.Ireally, really like it here.

Jacksontugs me a step back towards him and whispers in my ear. “Areyou sure about this?”

Inod and turn back to his dad.

“Yougo right ahead, sweetheart.Theboys’ mom would have loved that.Thanksfor bringing all my boys, and the whole family, together like this and taking care of everyone.IfIget tired,Ican go on up to bed.Doesn’tmean you kids shouldn’t have some fun. ”

“Thankyou so much.I’lltry to doMrs.Watersproud.”

“I’msure you will, sweetheart.”

“Everyonegood to come for dinner at seven tonight?Spreadthe word.Everybody’swelcome.We’llhave enough food and drinks for the whole town.Jackson’sbuying!”Iannounce, and everyone in the room laughs.

Meanwhile,I’mhoping and praying that every single person in this room, the rest of the extendedWatersfamily, and every other one of the twelve-hundred residents ofWesternSpringswill come and rescue me tonight from doing or saying anything else to embarrass myself in front ofJackson.Distractme so thatI’mtoo busy to have ideasI’mdefinitely not supposed to be having.WantingthingsI’mdefinitely not allowed to be wanting.

AndIneed to figure out what in the worldI’mgoing to cook for all these peopleIjust invited over to a house that isn’t even mine.Normally, throwing a meal together doesn’t phase me.Butthis isJackson’sfamily.Hisbrothers.Hisdad.Hisaunts, uncles, and cousins.Inhis mother’s kitchen.Ineed everything to be just right.

Idecide to go simple with a meal thatIknow everyone will love.Caesarsalad.Garlicbread.Lasagna.Andchocolate pie for dessert.Everything’sgoing to be vegan, of course.NotthatJacksonor his family will know it.I’vefed my lasagna tomeat-a-tarianscountless times before, and no one has ever batted an eye.Theserecipes are myAgame.Icould make something fancier and more complicated, but something tells me that’s not howJackson’smother cooked.Andthis is her kitchen.Iwant to honor her by cooking up a big, hearty meal for her boys.EspeciallyforJackson.