“Justclearing up.Thestaff are busy, and there’s a station right over there for dirty dishes.”

“You’remaking me feel like a bad person,Selena.”

“Thenwhy don’t you help me?Thenwe can both feel like good people.”

Takingthe plates from her hands,Iwatch as she picks up the glasses and thenIfollow her over to the dishes station.Ican’t remember the last timeIcleared up my own dishes.Athome, the mostIdo is put them in the vicinity of the sink.Andeverywhere else, it just gets taken care of.

Ihold on tight toSelena’shand while we walk back out to my car.

Neitherof us speaks until we’re two blocks away with no cameras or photographers in sight.

“Whatdo you think?Ithink it went well,”Selenasays, almost to herself. “Ourfirst official fake date is in the books.”

“Selena,”Ipractically growl at her.

“Firstofficialdate,” she corrects with a smile.

“Ithink our first official date was the six hours we spent trapped together in an elevator.Thatprobably counts as… a lot more than one.Thiswas probably like our fourth date, at least.”

“Fourthdate?Somebody’sgetting their money’s worth!”

“Whatabout you?”Iask her. “Areyou getting your money’s worth?”

“Iwill be when this is over.”

Herwords are a knife to my gut, making me feel even guiltier for everythingI’vedone to her.

Lily:Isaw the pictures.Youtwo look so cute together!Ilike this for you,BFF.

Lily:Gladyou’reFINALLYgetting a life, bestie!

* * *

CelebritEYESSPOTTED:JacksonWatersand his #elevatorgirlfriend out for a romantic lunch inWeHo


Six weeks. Probably less. Probably a lot less…


Ihaven’t heard fromJacksonin over a week.Ifnot for the emotional stress of being a national joke and waiting for him to contact me, this would definitely be the easiest moneyI’veever made.Butinstead of just being grateful thatJackson’sleaving me alone,Ithink about him constantly and wonderwhyhe’s leaving me alone.

Iwant him to get his money’s worth, so that when this is all over, he doesn’t have any regrets or a reason not to pay up.IfIdidn’t do my part,I’dalways feel guilty about all the money he’s going to pay me.

It’stime to take things into my own hands.


Selena:Haven’theard from you in a while.Everythinggood?

Heanswers almost immediately.Orat least he’s typing something.

Jackson: …

Jackson:Hey.Yeah,I’mdoing good.Howare you?

Selena:Oh, just feeling kind of ignored