“Idid know that.Iknew you’d fall in love with me.AndIwas already in love with you, even ifIdidn’t know it yet.Itold youIloved you first.”Jacksongrins. “Ialso asked you to marry me, and you rudely declined.”

Rollingmy eyes,Ishake my head. “Iwasn’t rude.Andyou deserved it.Youproposed toEddiefreakingParsons, not to me,Nugget.”

“Areyou finally going to marry me now that the bakery’s open?”

“Youput a ring on my finger and you already call me your wife.”

Jacksongrowls at me.Iloveit when he growls at me. “Iwant it official, baby.Thatyou’re mine.Let’smove up the wedding.Howabout this afternoon?”

“Absolutelynot.Iwant the wedding we planned at the farm with all our family and friends around us.Ialways wanted to get married inJune.You’rejust going to have to wait until next year for the wedding.But,Jackson?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“It’salready official in every way that matters.I’myours.Andyou’re mine.”

“Iknow, baby.Iknow you’re mine.ButIwant to claim you in front of the entire world.”

“Idon’t care about the entire world.Icare about you and me and our family.Nothingelse matters to me.”

Jacksonpresses his hands against my cheeks and tilts my face up to meet his.He’skissed me like this at least a thousand times, andIstill get butterflies every single one of those times.Afterwe’ve had sex, sometimes he’ll kiss me slow and soft, taking his time.Butmost of the time, it’s like this.Hardand demanding.Henever makes me wonder how much he wants me.Hewants me all the time, just likeIwant him all the time.

“Hey, break it up!Thisis a place of business!”Lily’svoice calls out as the old paned glass door at the front of the bakery creaks open, and she pokes her head in. “Areyou ready to open up?There’sa line out here.Thepeople ofWesternSpringsdemand iced coffees and pastries!”

Theplant installationLilycreated for me is a wall of living plants covering most of the wall opposite the bathrooms.Ona black powder coated metal frame that we salvaged at an estate sale, countless little galvanized buckets hold tropical plants in every shade of green with just a few flowering in white and pink.It’sso beautiful.Idon’t know what the frame was built for, but it’s like it was meant for the bakery.Itfits perfectly onto the wall.

That’swhat my life is like withJackson.Perfectfor me.He’sperfect for me.We’reperfect together.Weargue like anyone does, but then we make up.AndJacksonkept his promise to me, like he keeps all of his promises.Heloves me more every day than he did the last.

Ilove this man so damn much.Iused to think lucky people didn’t get trapped in elevators, but nowIknow that’s not true.BecauseI’mthe luckiest woman in the entire world.

* * *


“Baby?Areyou ready to open up now?”

Selenalooks out the front windows.Andthen she slides her hand down my arm and takes my hand.


“Baby, this place is amazing.Everyone’sgoing to love it.You’vegot this.AndI’mright here if you need anything.Ilove you, baby.”

“Okay.Let’sopen.”Selenascrunches up her shoulders and does a little shimmy that she’s definitely going to be repeating later.Naked.Whileshe’s riding my dick.

Shelooks over her shoulder towards the back of the bakery and calls out to her new employees. “Okay,I’mopening the doors!Let’sdo this!”

Selenawalks towards the door whereLilyand the rest of my family are all waiting not-so-patiently in line along the sidewalk, tugging me along with her.Ididn’t even have to tell my brothers to have their asses here forSelena’sgrand opening today.Theyshowed up because they love me and because they loveSelena.LilyandSelenaare best friends now.Andthe two of them terrorize me daily.ButI’dbe lying ifIsaidIdidn’t love that, too.


“You’vegot this, baby.Andif you ever don’t,I’mright here to help.”

“Ilove you,Nugget.”

“Ilove you too, baby.”

Lilygroans and rolls her eyes at us from the other side of the glass door whileIlean down and kissSelena’sforehead.Theway my wife leans into my side and smiles up at me makes everything worth it.Givingup the superhero franchise.PuttingSelenaand my family first.It’sall worth it every day.Idon’t have a single regret for not spending the next decade of my life in front of a green screen inAustralia.Nota single fucking one.

Selenaswings the front door open and slides a doorstop against it with her toe.She’swearing platform sandals, trying to pretend she’s taller than she is, and one of her little sundresses.Shelooks fucking perfect.Whenwe step back, my entire family and what seems like the entire town flood into the bakery.LilygivesSelenaa big hug.Thenmy dad holds her tight for a long minute.