Histongue slides out of me, and his head reappears from my dress.

“Naughtygirls who walk around without panties on have to wait untilIsay they can come,”Jacksontells me, licking his lips before curving them into a wide smile. “Nowlose the bra.Iwant to suck on your tits.”

“Asshole,”Iwhisper asIdo whatI’mtold.DoingwhatI’mtold during sex always turns out very, very well for me in the end.

Reachingbehind my back,Iundo my bra clasps through my dress.ThenIpull the strap over one arm and slide it out through the other arm hole.

Jacksonpulls me towards him until my breasts are in his face. “Letme see that jiggle.”

Hesmacks me hard on my ass, making all of me shake from the force. “Idiot,”Imutter under my breath. “Ifpeople had any idea what a pervert you are-”

“Whoare you going to tell?Noone would believe it.”Jacksongrins up at me. “Andonly for you,Selena.Allfor you.Nowbe a good girl and get on my lap.”



Likealways, when he touches me like this,Ido whatI’mtold.Iclimb up onto his lap and start grinding my naked pussy on the seam of his jeans and the thick, heavy cock trying to break free.

“Doesthat feel good, baby?”

“Mmmm-hmmm,”Iwhisper, asIgrind on him.

Jacksonleans forward and bites my breast through the thin denim of my dress.Hismouth is hot and wet.Thenhe releases me, only to jerk the neckline of my dress down and pull out both of my breasts.Thedress is so low cut that it doesn’t take much to have my boobs falling out.

“Jackson!Whatif someone sees?”Idemand, only half of me concerned.Becausemy lower half is very intent on wringing an orgasm out ofJackson’strapped dick.

“Noone’s going to see anything ifI’mcovering your tits… with my mouth.”Jacksongrins up at me and then sucks one heavy breast into his mouth, while his other hand pinches and then massages my other nipple.

Myhands are onJackson’sshoulders to steady myself asIgrind on him.WhenIdecide that’s not enough,Idrop my hands to his pants and free his beautiful cock.

“DoIeven need to be here?”Jacksonmurmurs with my nipple still in his mouth, the vibration from his words making me pant.

“Partof you does.Avery, very important part.”Iwhisper. “Ineed you inside me,Jackson.Fillme up with your cock.”

“It’syours, baby.Onlyyours.”Jacksonreleases my breasts and presses them back inside my dress.Thenhe wraps his hands around my hips and positions me over his cock.Onehand slides up under my dress and presses his head inside me.

“Holdon.”Jacksonlifts his hips up, pushing his dick inches farther inside me, as he reaches behind him for something.

Smiling,Ipress down lower onto him. “Whatare you up to?It’snot like we need a condom at this point.You’vepainted just about every inch of me in your cum by now.Yoursignature can still use some work, though.”

“Baby, you keep talking about my cum all over that sexy body of yours like that, andI’mgoing to pull out and come right into that dirty little mouth.I’mnot getting a condom.I’mgetting this.”

Islide down another few inches, taking more of him inside me.Everytime he’s inside me,Istill have to warm up to take all of him.Hestill stretches me out in the best way.

Jacksongroans. “Fuck, baby.Youtake this hard cock so fucking good.”

“Whatis it?”Iask, distracted by how good he feels, and honestly not really caring anymore.

“This,”Jacksonwhispers, as he presses the final length of his cock inside me.

“Mmmm,”Igroan, half pleasure, half discomfort.

ThenIsee what he’s holding in his hand.

Avelvet box.

“Whatis that?”