Weboth stare out over the farm while the sky is all lit up in pastel pinks, purples, and golds, dancing over the snow-capped mountains.Thisplace has the most beautiful sunsetsIthinkI’veever seen.

“WhatifIbuild you a big house over there on that hill, so we could watch the sunset whenever we’re inWesternSprings?”

“Thankyou for offering.ButIdon’t need a big house on a hill to watch the sunset.Ican watch it fine from right here on the porch swing.Inmy favorite spot.”

“I’mnot sure you like anything more than you like this damn swing.”

“Maybethere’s one or two thingsIlike more.”


“Maybe.”Nuzzlingmy head into his neck,Idrink him in.Thisman thatIthoughtIwould never see again, except on a movie screen.ThismanIthought would break my heart, but somehow ended up being all mine. “Ournew house inL.A. is more than big enough.YouandIcould live in that house and never see each other if we wanted.”

Wetraded inJackson’scold, sterile white house for an oldSpanishstyle one from the nineteen-twenties.It’swarm and beautiful, and everythingIcould ever want.Itfeels like home.Ikeep hoping to find a friendly ghost living with us.Thekind that turns off the lights whenIforget or closes the kitchen cupboard whenJacksonleaves it open.Butso far, no luck.

“Don’teven think about it.Ilike you whereIcan see you.Atall times.WhereIcan reach out and do this.”Jacksonpresses his hand against the back of my neck and brings my lips up to meet his.Warm, firm, familiar lips press down on mine.Roughand demanding, like always.Helicks, sucks, and bites at me like he wants to devour me.Likehis very life depends on it.

“Ionly want to be where you are,”Iwhisper against his lips when he finally pulls up for air. “Andthat’s why we don’t need a big house here.Whenwe’re here,Iwant us to be together.Ontop of each other.Iwant to see your family every day.Iwant big family dinners and grilling outside and parties and drinking too much wine withLilyon a bale of hay.Whywould we want to be over there on a hill away from everyone when we could be right here?”

“Okay, okay.Ifyou want to stay here when we’re inWesternSprings, that’s fine by me.Butsix months a year is a long time.Youmight get sick of living with my dad and having my brothers come and go all the time like they still live here.”

“Youpromised me six months.Ormore.Probablya lot more.AndIcouldn’t ever get sick ofourfamily.”HowcouldIever get tired of having the big, crazy family thatIalways wanted?

“Nowthat that’s settled, what were you saying about liking us on top of each other?”Jacksonasks, kissing my neck.

Hishand slides down my side and starts playing my nipple through my dress.

“Jackson, your dad’s inside!”

“Hewent up to bed.Onthe other side of the house.Andthe risk of getting caught is half the fun, isn’t it?”

“No!It’snoneof the fun!Icould never look your dad in the eyes again if he saw,”Iwave my hand over my body frantically. “Anyof this.Thenwe’d actually have to build a new house, far, far, away.”

Jacksongrowls. “Noone’s seeing an inch of you except me.Losethe panties and the bra.Keepthe dress on.Andyou’re on top.”

“Nugget,I’msupposed to be seducingyou!”

Heleans in and nuzzles my neck. “Baby, you did such a good job seducing me.Mypretty, sexy good girl.NowIwant you to ride my cock,Selena.I’mgoing to suck on your tits and watch you bounce on my cock while the sun sets, painting this pretty skin gold.”

“You’resounding very romantic tonight.”

“WhatcanIsay?Thisis what you do to me.”

Jacksonmaneuvers me off of the porch swing untilI’mstanding between his legs, which are spread wide.Ofcourse.Theman only knows how to manspread.

WhenJacksonpulls me between his legs, poorOatsstands up from where he was lying next to the porch swing, gives us a dirty look and heads down the porch steps to find a more peaceful napping space in the yard.Bynow, he’s pretty used to mommy and daddy wrestling.Often.Andenthusiastically.

“You’retaking too long, baby.Letme help you out of those panties.”Hisvoice is low and hoarse as he slides his hands up inside my dress to pull down my underwear.

Only,I’mnot wearing any.

“Shit, baby.You’rebare under there?”

Smilingdown at him,Inod. “I’mseducing you.”

Jacksongrowls up at me.Thenhe tosses my dress over his head and presses his face between my thighs.Hefinds my clit and sucks on it hard.Leaningback to give him better access,Ipress my pussy into his mouth.Nomatter how many times he licks my pussy,Ican never get enough.Myknees go weak, andIwould fall right onto the porch floor if his hands weren’t holding onto my hips so tightly.

“Makeme come,Jackson.Makeme come.”