“Whythe hell not?Youlove me.Ilove you.ThewayIfeel about you is as real as it gets, baby.”

“Becauseyou asked me to marry you on a late-night talk show before you ever told me you loved me to my face,Jackson.Ineed time.IthoughtIhad to survive the end of us.Youdon’t know how muchIwas dreading the contract ending.Ididn’t thinkI’dever see you again.I’mgoing to need to hear you tell me you love me about a thousand more times beforeIcan say yes.AndIneed you to prove to meIcan believe it.”

“Done.IfItell you how fucking ridiculously in love with youIam at least ten times a day—which is probably pretty low, to be honest—we’ll be engaged in three months.Soundgood?”

“Itsounds perfect.”

Finally,Iwrap my arms around her, lightly at first, testing to see if she’s going to pull away from me.Whenshe doesn’t,Ipress her tightly against me.I’mnever going to let her go.


“Yes, baby?”

“I’mreally pretty,Jackson.”

“You’rethe prettiest thingI’veever seen.”

“Imean it.”


“I’mpretty, andI’msmart.I’mfunny.I’ma great friend.AndImake the best vegan cupcakes in the damn country!”

“Isecond all of it.SelenaMillerfor president,”Iwhisper against her hair.

“AndIthinkI’mhot.Mybody is pretty and soft and curvy.Ilike it.”

“Youknow how muchIlike your body.”

“Ido… andIdon’t.Ilike myself.IthinkI’mgreat.Butit’s hard not to internalize at least some of what the world tells you about yourself.Andthe world has been telling me my whole fucking life thatI’mnot good enough.Theworld tells me every single day, in big ways, and in small ones, thatI’mnot enough and too much at the same time.Andit tells me every second of every day thatI’msure as hell not good enough forJacksonWaters.”

“Don’tfucking listen.Fuckthe world, and fuck everyone in it, except you and me.Ilove you.And,Idon’t think you’re perfect,”Jackson’slips twitch. “Youcan be downright mean when you’re drunk and hissing my name at me.Butyou’re perfect for me.”

“IknowIam!”Selenaslaps my shoulder with her palm. “Iknow thatI’mperfect for you!Theway we are together.Theway we can talk and laugh.Theway our bodies fit together when we have sex.Youand me together is the best thingI’veever had.Ijust never let myself believe that you’d actually see it, too.”

“Baby,Isee it.Isee you.Allof you.Andif you ever need me to show you just how muchIwant you,I’vegot a surefire way.I’venever been so hard for anyone in my life.Selena, you gave me a fuckingperma-rectionfrom all the blue ballsIhad from wanting you.Youmade me come in my damn jeans in seconds when you touched my dick for the first time.”

“IthinkI’mgoing to need you to show me.Often.”

“That’sa promise.”

“Becareful with me,Jackson.Ilove you so much thatIjust…”

“Selena,I’min this.I’mnot going anywhere.It’syou and me still stuck in that elevator together.Forever.That’sallIwant.”Grinning,Ilean back and take her hand, pressing it against the fly of my jeans. “Baby,I’mso hard for you right now.Letme show you how fucking hot you get me.”

Shenods. “Yes,Ineed you.Ineed you inside me.Ineed you making me come.Butno more talk shows, okay?Canyou promise me you’ll just pretend thatIdon’t exist when you have to go promote something?”

“Baby,Icould never pretend you don’t exist.”

“Canyou at least promise me you’ll never tellEddiefuckingParsonsanything before you tell me ever again?”

“Ican probably do that.AndIshould probably tell you thatIalready told him our second kid’s middle name was going to beEddie.”

“Don’tyou think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself?Ihaven’t saidI’dmarry you, yet.”

Iflash her my cockiest grin because now thatIknow she loves me,Ihave all the time in the world to get her to say yes. “Youwill.”

Shenods up at me. “IknowIwill.Ineed you,Jackson…”