“Iam not!Youproposed to me on nationalTV.You’rethe one who’s crazy!Howis it easier to talk to all ofAmericathan it is to just talk to me?”

“Selena,I’mtalking to you now.Butyou shut me out.Ididn’t know any other way to get you to talk to me.Toget you back.Ineed you in my life.I’min love with you.MaybeIwaited too long to say it.Hell,IknowIdid.Butwhen was the right time?Inthe elevator?AfterIfucked you?Whenyou walked away from me?IknowImessed this all up.Butyou’re the one.You’reit for me.Everysingle thing about this has been different.You’rethe first womanI’veever lived with.Thefirst womanI’veever taken back home toWesternSprings.I’venever introduced anyone to my family.Beforeyou,Inever wanted to.”

“Youcan’t propose to a person before you’ve even told them you love them.”

“Ijust told youIlove you.Baby, we didn’t do any of this according to anyone’s plan except the universe’s.Iwasn’t supposed to leave a meeting that ran long and be lucky enough to get trapped in an elevator with the sexiest, most beautiful womanI’veever met.Thewoman who drives me wild in every way, and is still the only thingIwant.Theone thing—one person—Iwant all the time.WhenI’mhappy,Iwant you with me.WhenI’mscared,Ireach for you.WhenI’mhorny, allIwant is to push my cock inside you.WhenI’mtired,Iwant to go to sleep with you in my arms.Baby, you’re it for me.You.This.Us.We’reit for me.Iwant all my firsts and all my lasts to be with you,Selena.Baby, say yes.Sayyou’ll marry me.”

“Imoved out.Ileft you.”

“Iknow,Iremember.Itscared the hell out of me that night whenIgot home and you weren’t there.Oatswas moping around without you.Hemissed you.Imissed you.Whythe hell do you thinkIbarely let you out of my sight after that?”

“NotthatIbelieve any of this, but if it was true… what was the last two weeks about?Whywouldn’t you touch me?”

“Lilytold me thatIneeded to show you this was more than just sex for me.”

“What?Youtalked toLilyabout this before you talked to me?”

“Yeah, sorry, baby.Whenyou left,Ididn’t know what to do.Ididn’t know how to get you back.Iwanted you to know that this was more than just sex to me.Ilove fucking you, baby.Ialways want to fuck you.I’mnever going to get enough of you.ButIlove you.You’remore than the best fuck of my life.Youare my life.Baby, we did everything backwards.Wedidn’t meet the normal way.Andwe probably never would have if not for the damn elevator.Itold youIloved fucking you whenIshould have told you thatIfucking loved you.Butdon’t hold that against us.Pleasedon’t let me being an idiot get in our way.We’retaking our own path.Butwhere we end up is together forever.Iknow it.”

“Thisjust doesn’t make any sense.Ican’t wrap my brain around what you’re telling me.Ican’t believe you.Itwas all supposed to be fake.Itwasall fake. ”

“Selena,Idon’t care how long it takes.I’mgoing to keep right on saying it until you believe me.Becauseyou’re just about the only thing that makes sense to me.AndIdon’t know ifI’malone here, but it stopped being fake for me real fast.”

Shelooks at me like she’s afraid. “Tellme.Whendid it stop being fake for you?”

Staringup at the popcorn ceiling,Isearch for the answer. “Honestly?Theelevator.There’sa reasonIkept thinking about you for months after we got out.There’sa reasonItoldEddieParsonsabout you.Andthere’s a reasonIwent along with the whole fake relationship thing.I’venever done anything like that before.Idon’t play the same media games that everyone else does.Valcould have figured a dozen different ways out of it without us pretending to date for two months.AllIhad to do was say no.ButIwanted to see you again.”

“Jackson,Ijust…Iwas there, too.Andall the time you were thinking one thing was happening,Iwas thinking something else was happening.Iwantto believe you.Youdon’t know how muchIwant to believe you.ButIjust…Idon’t know ifIcan.”

“I’vegot you.Fromthe minute we got stuck in that elevator,I’vehad you.AndI’mgoing to be right here proving how muchIlove you every single day for the rest of my life.”

“I…Idon’t fit into your life.I’mtoo big and too small at the same time.Ijust don’t… fit.”

Whatthe hell is she talking about? “Baby, you fit perfectly.Idon’t want a life that you don’t fit in.”

“Everytime we go to some industry thing, people are going to thinkI’myour sister or your assistant or whatever.Peopledon’t see someone who looks like me and thinkIshould be with someone who looks like you.”

Grindingmy teeth,Ithink back to the night of the announcement.WhatElishasaid.Whatit must have meant toSelena, if it’s still bothering her this much now.AndhowIdidn’t pick up on any of it at the time.Ishould have stood up for her.Ishould have protected her.

Takinga deep breath,Itry to explain myself. “ElishaBellis just fucking jealous.I’msorry about what she said to you.Butfuck her.Andfuck anybody else who thinks like that.You’reperfect for me.Ilove how you look, andIlove how you feel even better.Ifyou don’t want to come to industry shit with me, you don’t have to.I’ma grown man,Ican go to some stupid work events by myself.That’swhatI’vebeen doing for the past fifteen years.Idon’t give a shit about that, as long asIget to come home to you.”


Grinningdown at her,Inod. “Ipromise.Andmaybe one day you’ll tell me you love me too and agree to marry me.”

“Ialready love you,Jackson.I’veloved you since…” she says and then stops, looking past me as she thinks it over. “Sincewe touched down inWesternSprings, andImet all the people who love you, too.”

“Really?”She’sloved me that whole time?AndIhad no damn idea.

Shenods. “Ijust… can’t believe any of this is happening.Ofcourse,Iwant you.Ofcourse,Iwant this.Andpart of me says go for it.Justjump.Partof me wonders whyI’mtrying to deny myself you, whenIwant you so badly.Whycan’t you be mine?Andthen the other part of me is like, reality check.Howcould this ever work?”

“It’shappening, baby.Allof this and more.”WhenIrun my knuckles down her cheeks, she seems surprised to see me standing next to her. “Ilove you,Selena.Fuck, it feels good to say that.I’vewanted to say it for so long.Ilove you enough to make it work.Ithas been working.We’vebeen together night and day for weeks.AndIknow that might not sound that long to some, but it’s longer thanI’veever spent with anyone else.Yousaw me through my dad’s accident.Mywhole family loves you.Ilove you, baby.We’vegot this.”

“I’mgoing to need you to keep saying it.Often.”

“Allyou have to do is ask, baby.AndI’llgive you anything you want.I’llgive you everything.Ifucking love you.Ilove your eyes and your smile.Andyour tits and your ass.Yourlaugh is my favorite sound in the entire world.Ilove the color of your lips, and how soft they are whenIkiss you.Ilove when they’re swollen from me kissing on you.Ilove your body.Youget me so fucking hard for you.I’mnever going to get enough of you.Ilove how you taste.Ilove how you moan whenIlick your pussy.Ilove being inside you.Ijust fucking love you.Allof you.Marryme,Selena.”
