“Liliesare her favorite,”Iexplain toEddiewith a shrug.

“Liliesare her favorite.Howsweet is this guy?”Eddieasks with a laugh. “Andwho is this?”

“Right, this is my dog,Oats.Andhe’s pretty obsessed with my girl.Wetalked it over, and he wants her to be his new mom.So,IfiguredOatshere could do some of the heavy lifting and use those big puppy dog eyes to get her to say yes.”

“Doyou hear that, everyone?Theman is desperate for a yes!He’swilling to do whatever it takes, including using the dog.”

Theaudience erupts in laughter again.

“Alright, alright, settle down now.Ifeveryone could hang tight,I’mjust going to pour my heart out on national television to the womanIlove.”

“Okay, you hear that, everyone?JacksonWatersneeds us all to be quiet so he can propose to his girlfriend.So, let’s zip it.”

“Thatmeans you too,Eddie.”

Hemimes zipping his mouth up and throwing away the key.

Lookingaround between the big studio cameras,Ipretend likeIdon’t know which oneI’msupposed to talk into.ButIknow exactly which camera is fixed on me. “Thisone?Okay.Quiet, everyone.Thanks.Okay, here goes nothing.”

Heregoes nothing, is right.BecauseifIdon’t haveSelena,Idon’t have anything.

Afterturning from the audience,Istare straight into the camera aimed at me andOats.ThenIget down on one knee next to my dog with a velvet box in my hand as nerves slice through my body.

“Heybaby, it’s me.Iknow that you’re at home watchingEddieand me talk right now.I’msure you’re thinking you see more than enough of me already and want to get to the musical guest.ButIhad to take this opportunity to ask you something pretty big. ’CauseI’mpretty much head over heels for you, baby.Ican’t imagine living a single day of my life without you in it.Youmake me a better man.Youmake me the happiest man on this entire planet.Baby,Ilove you more than life itself.Willyou marry me?”

There’sa long pause.ThenEddieleads the audience in a massive round of applause.

“Thesuspense is killing me!”Thelook on his face tells me he means it.Eddie’sa good guy.

Afterstanding back up,Iwalk over to the couch next toEddie’sdesk, bringingOatswith me.

“Youand me both.She’snot actually going to see that until the show airs tonight.That’ssix hours of me on pins and needles,Ican tell you that.”

“Ifshe says yes, what do you say about coming back to the show for your engagement party?Bachelorand bachelorette parties?We’dlove to host the wedding, too.TheEddieParsonsShowis invested in this relationship.Wefeel like we’ve been part of this love story from the beginning, don’t we?”Eddiemotions again at the crowd, and they erupt into hoots, hollers, and applause.

“We’llsee about all that.Shehas to say yes first.”

“Whocould say no to that face,America?ThisisAmerica’snext big superhero!America’ssexiest man alive.Andthe best jawline in the business.”

“Eddie, are you hitting on me?I’malmost an engaged man!”

“Hahaha!”Eddiereaches across the desk to shake my hand. “Thanksso much for being here,Jackson.Andfor letting us be a part of your proposal.We’reall rooting for you two crazy kids.Nowget out of here and go find out what she says!Andthen come back tomorrow, and tell us everything!JacksonWaters, everybody!Biground of applause forJacksonWatersand his #elevatorgirl!”

Theshow cuts for what’s going to be a commercial break.Butright now, there’s still a large studio audience staring me down.

Raisingmy hand,Iwave at them. “Thankyou all.Noweveryone has to keep this a secret for the next six hours.Canyou do that for me?”

“Keepthis a secret until then, andJacksonWatersand his #elevatorgirl are going to name their first baby after me.LittleEddieWaters.Ilove it!”

“Firstkid’s name is already spoken for.ButIcould probably swing a middle name on the second kid,”Ipromise him with a grin, thinking of the timeIaccusedSelenaof planning our kids’ names and naming the first oneRaven.IfSelenaagrees to be the mother of my children,I’lllet her name them whatever she wants.

“Ican’t say no to that!”Eddiesays, shaking my hand again. “Thanksso much for doing this here.Theratings are going to be insane.AndI’mserious.Youand your #elevatorgirl are welcome here anytime.”


“Selena,” he repeats back to me. “Well, you andSelenaare welcome here anytime.”

“Thanksagain.I’mgoing to get out of here now.Getback to my girl.”