“Liftyour hips,”Itell her, folding them all in half.

Whenshe does,Iplace them underneath her hips.

She’snaked in front of me, and so fucking perfect it hurts my eyes to look at her.

“You’reso beautiful,”Iwhisper.

Shereaches out, trailing her knuckles down my stomach and taking my cock in her hand.Shewraps her hand around my length and strokes me.

“Careful, baby, orI’mgoing to come all over that pretty stomach.Addsome splatter paint to those pretty tiger stripes on your belly.”



“Maybethat’s whatIwant you to do?”She’sso fucking desperate for my dick she’s already breathing hard.

Ishake my head. “Iknow you too, baby.Youwant this hard cock inside you, filling up that tight little pussy of yours.”

Shegulps, and then nods. “Ido.Jackson, it’s been so long.Ineed you inside me.”

“Yeah, you do.I’mright here, baby.I’llgive you everything you need.You’regoing to come so hard for me aren’t you, baby?”


Straddlingher with my knees,Ilean down and kiss her again.Hardand needy.Mytongue demanding what my dick’s about to claim from her.

ThenIrock back onto my knees and rub my hands together, staring down at her perfect pussy. “Okay, what are we doing here?HowdoIget it out?”

“Areyou sure you want to do this?”

“Baby, nothing on this earth could make me not want you.I’mhard just thinking about how wet you’re going to feel tonight.Likea damn slip and slide.”

Herface goes bright red, but she’s smiling up at me.Iwant it to always be like this.Herlaughing at me and fucking me.That’severythingIneed in this world.Howcan she thinkI’mnot happy when she gives me everythingIneed?

“Okay, you just slide your fingers in and squeeze slightly to break the seal.Andthen you just pull it out.It’skind of shaped like a little funnel.Andit might have… blood in it.Butit shouldn’t be too much.Ithasn’t been in very long.”

“Okay,I’vegot this.Youjust lean back, relax, and tell me ifI’mdoing it wrong.”

Ipress my hand down on top of her pussy and slide my fingers gently up and down her lips. “Areyou… bigger than normal?”

“Probably.Itcan get kind of swollen while you’re on your period.Andeverything is even more sensitive.”

“Evenmore sensitive, huh?”

Pressingmy thumb inside her,Ifind her clit and circle it.

“Wrongspot,” she whispers, pushing her pussy against my hand.

“I’mgetting there.”Afterplaying with her clit for a bit longer,Islip my index finger inside her to see whatI’mworking with.Ifind the funnel thing pretty quickly.Pressingmy fingers against it like she said,Isqueeze and try to pull it out.Thething comes right out.There’snot much of anything in it, like she said.ButItry not to make a mess becauseIdon’t want to stress her out.Idon’t give a fuck.Thewetter and messier, the better.

“WhatdoIdo with it?”

Sheglances around and then picks up her empty glass of water from the nightstand. “Justput it in here.I’lldeal with it… after.”

Doingas she says,Iput the little funnel thing into the glass. “Nowwhere wasI?”Iwhisper into her neck, as my hand finds her pussy again.

Findingher clit,Icircle it again. “Righthere.”