“Actually,Idon’t even want to know.Here’sthe sharpie.”

“Areyou sure you’re sure about this?”

“Areyou not going to do it?Youpromised.”

“Baby,I’mgoing to give you whatever you want.Ijust don’t get why you want this.”

“Itdoesn’t matter.”Ipull up my robe until my right ass cheek is hanging out.Istand up on my tiptoes with my right foot to raise my ass. “Signit,Jackson.”

“This… feels wrong.”

“It’snot wrong ifIwant it.”

“I’mnot sure about that, baby.BecauseIhave no idea why you want this.”


Iexpect him to just lean down and give my ass a cursory swipe with the pen, likeIwatched him do a hundred times this afternoon.ButJacksonnever does whatIexpect.Hekneels down behind me and presses his hands to my hips.Heholds onto me tightly.ThenIhear his teeth bite into hard plastic while his left hand still digs into my hip.

Whenhe rubs his palm over my ass cheek,Idon’t need to see it to know that it doesn’t stay still.Youcan’t bounce a quarter off my ass.I’dprobably just end up with a bruise and be twenty-five cents richer if anyone ever tried.

Jacksonrubs his hand over my ass cheek a few times.Ican feel his warm breath on my butt and curling down the backs of my thighs.

Theroom is so tense, it’s likeIcan feel the crackle of electricity between us.

“Lastchance to tell me not to do this, baby.”

“Iwantyou to do it.”

Jacksonpresses one hand against my ass, and thenIfeel the tip of the sharpie dragging over my skin.

“Iput it where no one else can see it, but me.Beforeyou argue with me,I’mnot fucking marking you where anyone but me is going to see it,Selena.”

“Areyou done?Iwant to see it.”

Jacksonsqueezes my ass in a way that is not completely necessary since the signing is done.Butthen he stands up behind me and steps back.Iwalk over to the big mirror across from the bathroom.WhenIlook over my shoulder,IseeJackson’smessy signature scrawled on my ass.AndIwishIhadn’t had to beg and nag him to do it.Iwish he wanted to claim me like this.Tomake me his.Iwouldn’t care how he wanted to mark me, so long as he wanted to keep me.



“Youdon’t look happy, baby.Youlook like you’re about to cry.Talkto me.Ipromise, whatever it is,I’llfix it.”

“Whatdo you want,Jackson?”

Hisface closes off.Heclenches his jaw.Hiseyebrows pull down over eyes that will barely look at me. “Whatdo you mean, what doIwant?”

“Iwant you to tell me what you want.”

“Iwant you to not look like you’re about to cry.Iwant things not to be like this between us.Iwant them to be how they were at the farm.Easy.Iwant you teasing me.Laughingat me.”

“Youwant us to be friends?”

“Iwant you not to be hurting.AndI’lldo whatever it takes to make that happen.”

“Doyou want to fuck me tonight?”

“Baby,Ialways want to fuck you.”