It’stoo big.It’stoo much.Ihate that he feels guilty for how this is going to end in a couple of weeks or likeI’msome charity case.Maybethe cost of the bakery was nothing to him, but it’s huge to me.It’syears of hard work and saving up.

Ladycakesis my baby.She’sall mine.I’veput everythingIhave into her and she’s grown, little by little.SomehowJacksonbuying me a multi-million dollar bakery like it’s nothing, a bakery thatIcould never in a hundred years afford, makes all the hard workI’veput in seem pathetic.Whydidn’tIthink of just dropping millions of dollars for a prime bakery space in the perfect area?Ican’t feel grateful when what he did undermines everythingI’veworked so hard on for the past few years.

“I’llsee you tonight, baby.”


“Justbe home by five.”

Rollingmy eyes at him,IwishIcould be anywhere other than at home when he gets to my place tonight.ButIalready know thatI’llbe ready and waiting for him.

BecauseI’mcompletely and utterly pathetic.


Twenty-four hours. Probably less. Probably a lot less…


It’sbeen two weeks of… whatever this is.Jacksonis officially driving me crazy.Idon’t know what kind of early midlife crisis this is, but the man needs help.He’sthere every timeIturn around.He’soffering to drive me places, taking me to dinner, making me dinner, asking me ifIneed anything, asking me whatI’mthinking, asking me about my childhood, and howIfelt about being raised by a single mom, and doIwishIhad a sister, and what doIthink is the meaning of freaking life!

Pizzanight was only the first nightJacksontortured me.He’sbeen torturing me every single night since.He’sslept in my bed almost every night.He’sheld me in his arms every time.I’vefelt his hard dick pressing into my back, but he’s refused to do anything with it.Hehasn’t tried to touch me once.

Idon’t thinkI’veever heard him speak this much since the elevator.Butfor all the talking he’s done,Istill don’t know how he feels about… anything.Ishe sad that this is all going to be over?Ishe going to miss me?IfIwasn’t such a coward,Iwould ask him.ButIcan’t bring myself to make this any more embarrassing than it already is.Jacksonsigned up for a fake girlfriend.Thereis a paper and ink contract.Andyes, maybe there were some additional benefits added on top of the contract, butJacksondidn’t sign up for his clingy fake girlfriend catching feelings.He’snever even hinted that he feels… anything towards me.

Hehasn’t touched me once.NotlikeIwant him to, anyway.He’sheld my hand, put his arm around me, kissed me on my forehead and temple, and held me in his arms all night long.Butthat’s it.Hehasn’t kissed me for real, and he definitely hasn’t had sex with me.NotthatIhaven’t tried.I’vedone everything but beg him to put hispin myv.I’vewalked around with no pants on.I’veaccidentallyflashed him whileIwas dressing or undressing at night.Ieven slept naked right next to him.Andnothing.Nada.I’mofficially sexually frustrated.

AndIwon’t ask him for sex.Ican’t.Notwhen it already hurts this much.Ican’t have sex withJacksonagain, knowingIhave to say goodbye to him tomorrow.

Allhe’s done is confuse me even more and make the gears of the ticking clock in my heart grind even louder as the countdown gets closer and closer.

It’sofficially the last day of the contract.I’vebeen dreading this day and just as anxiously waiting for it.Andnow that it’s here,Idon’t know what to do with myself.

It’shere.Finally.Inevitably.Inless than twenty-four hours,I’llbe a free woman with an extra two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand dollars in my bank account.AndIwould trade every cent for another two months withJackson.

AllIknow is that we’re flying somewhere onJackson’splane as our last official date.

“What’sthe plan today?FlyingtoTurkeyfor a hot-air balloon ride?Swimmingin theMaldives?Aquick hop across the pond for a picnic on top ofBigBen?”

“Iforgot you haven’t been toLondon.Weneed to go sometime.It’sa great city.”

Ihave nothing to say to that.Iwas joking about all his over-the-top dates.Theclock is ticking.Wedon’t have time to go toLondonbefore the contract is over at midnight. “Well?”

“Noto all of the above.It’sbetter.Well, you’re going to think it’s better.Asane person might disagree.”

“Whateverit is,I’msure it’s fine.ButIdon’t need all of this… whatever it is you’re doing.”

“Youmay not need it, butIwant to do it.”

“Right.It’sJacksonWaters’ world, and the rest of us just live in it,”Ispit at him.I’mmad at him.I’mmad at myself for wanting him.ButI’mthe most mad at myself for loving him.

“Yeah, she’s in a bad mood this morning.Whatcan we do to turn that frown upside down, baby?”

Narrowingmy eyes at him,Ismile, but then bare my teeth at him.

“You’regoing to fit right in where we’re going.”

“We’regoing somewhere hormonal women snarl at you?Soundslike my kind of place.”