Igiggle and attempt to avoid being smothered to death, whileJackson’sheavy steps run up the stairs.

“Shit.Sorry.Getoff,Oats.Off!”Jacksonorders him.

Oatscalms down, but doesn’t jump off the bed.

Isit up, and the duvet falls away from me.Myfirst thought is to pull it back up, but what’s the point of trying to hide anything fromJackson?He’sseen every part of me before.He’shad every part of me.

“It’sfine.I’mokay.Oats, go to the bottom of the bed.”Leaningforward,Itap with my hand whereIwant him to go, and he obediently sidles over into the designated spot at the foot of my bed, all while avoiding looking atJackson. “Goodboy.”

“Doyou mind ifI…”Jackson’swords hang in the air between us.

“Sleepwherever you want.There’sa toothbrush set out for you in the bathroom.”

“Whydo you have an extra toothbrush,Selena?”

“Incase anyone sleeps over.Andnone of your business.Iwouldn’t question a free toothbrush and a place to sleep ifIwere you.Night,Jackson,”Itell him before laying back down and pulling the covers tight around me.

Aftera few minutes of movement, the faucet running, and the toilet flushing in the bathroom,Jacksonsteps out.Hestands there for a long minute, not moving.Thenhe heads for the far side of the bed.Asbig asJacksonis, if he really wanted to, he could spend all night in this bed and never touch me once.Idon’t know ifIhate that idea or ifIlove it.Iknow what would be easier on my heart in the long run.Andwhat would be easier on my heart tonight.AndIknow they’re two very different things.

Holdingmy breath again,I’mstill as a statue whileJacksonpulls back the duvet and then lays down under the covers.He’sabout as far as he can get from me, and he stays there for a long minute.

ThenIhear him mumble something that sounds a lot likefuck it, and then he’s in the middle of the bed, his arms reaching for me.Hepulls me tight against him, andIrealize that he’s not wearing anything except his boxer briefs.He’slike a furnace, a wall of flames pressing into my back and legs.Everypart of me that isn’t covered in my tank top and shorts is touching him, skin to skin.

Waiting,Ilie still, expecting something else to happen.Butit doesn’t.

IhearJacksongrinding his teeth in my ear.

Iroll my hips back, pressing my ass into his dick.Wecan both feel it when his dick reacts to me.

Iwant him so muchIcan barely breathe.

“Selena…”Hisvoice sounds rough.Awarning.

Ido it again, grinding my ass again and again until there’s no way he can think it’s an accident.

“What?”Iask, trying and failing to sound innocent.

Irub my ass against him and then let out a moan.I’vebeen in an emotional tornado for the past twenty-four hours.Makethat the last two months.Ineed him to make me come soIcan forget about everything else, except how good he makes me feel.


“Whyare you being so weird?Youhaven’t touched me once today.Notreally.”

“I’mnot having sex with you again until you ask for it, baby.”

“What?”WhenIpull away from him, he doesn’t let me go.Hisarms are wrapped around me like an iron cage. “Areyou trying to play some kind of weird sex games with me?”

“No.Ijust want to make sure thatI’mnot doing anything you don’t want.Youknow how muchIwant you.HowmuchIalways want you.Allyou have to do is tell me you want sex.Andyou’ll get it.”

“Whyare you doing this?”

“Ijust want to make sure that we’re on the same page.”

“Andwhat page is that?”

“Youtell me.”

“Ihave no idea what page we’re on becauseIhave no idea what you’re doing.Idon’t even know what book you’re reading,Jackson.”