“Sorry, bud.You’restaying here,”ItellOats, asIopen the driver’s side door.I’macross the street and atSelena’sgate in a couple of strides.

Hermain lights aren’t on, but her car’s out front, soIknow she’s here.Andthere must be a lamp on somewhere on the main floor because it’s not totally dark in there.Glancingin the front window like the creeperIam,IthinkIsee something move.Squintingharder,Isee that it’s her.She’swrapped up in a big blanket, rocking back and forth.Sobbing.

She’sfucking sobbing.


I’venever hated myself more thanIdo right at this moment.

AndI’man even bigger asshole, becauseIknow that at least if she’s crying like this, then she cares.Maybeshe doesn’t love me likeIlove her.Butit’s a chance.

Thatelevator stripped down all the wallsIbuilt up between me and the rest of the world.Andshe walked right into my heart.IthinkI’veloved her ever since that night.HowcouldInot?She’sperfect.Allbig smiles and soft curves.AndI’msure as hell not letting her go without a fight.

Iwas going to come over here and yell at her for leaving me.Forscaring me whenIcouldn’t find her.Butthat’ll only push her farther away from me.Ican’t trust myself here.Becausestorming into her house and making her come home with me isn’t the right play.Evenif it’s exactly whatIwant to do.

Forcingmyself to take every step away from her and back to the car,Iclimb in.Myhand reaches for my phone, andI’mtapping on a familiar face.Theonly personItrust to fix this for me.


“Lil…Ifucked everything up,”Iwhisper softly into the phone. “Ineed you to tell me how to fix it.”



Lilysays nothing for what feels like forever.Butit’s probably only ten seconds.

“Areyou calling because you really want me to tell you how to fix it, or because you want me to make you feel better about it?”

“Ineedyou to tell me how to fix it.”

“Whatdid you do?”

“Iguess… no,Iknow thatIdidn’t make sure she knew how special she is to me.Sheran away from me,Lil.Sheran away from me.”

“Andyou didn’t give her good reason to?Areyou sure letting her go isn’t the right thing?Andyou andIboth know that you know what the right thing is.”

“No,Iswear.Iwas an asshole.Andan idiot.Butshe’s in her living room sobbing right now, and it’s breaking my fucking heart.”

“Whydo you know whatSelena’sdoing in her living room right now?”

“BecauseI’macross the street in my car withOatslooking in the window?”

“You’reoutside like a peepingTom?Fan-fucking-tastic!”Lilylets out a long breath. “Jacks, step away from the window.Youwon’t fix anything by getting arrested for being a late-night creeper.”

“Okay, okay.Itold youIwas in my car.Acrossthe street.I’mnot… officially creeping.But…Ican’t just leave her like this.”

“Jacks, you need to give her space.Sheran away from you for a reason, whatever it was.Butdon’t give her too much space, either.”

“Ilove her,Lil.”Thewords sound desperate in my ears. “HowdoImake her love me back?”

“Trustme, you don’t need to try that hard.I’mpretty sure she’s in love with you, too.”

“What?Didshe say something?”

“No.Butcall it a hunch.Ifshe isn’t completely in love with you, she’s at least halfway there.Youjust need to push her over the finish line.”

“Andhow doIdo that?”