
Mythrusts become shorter and more intense.Islide my hand over her hip and press inside of her untilIfind the nub of her clit.Herwhole body jumps at my touch.She’sprimed and ready to come again.Reachingdown,Ipick up the little toy, turn it on and press it down hard over her clit.Ifill her pussy with my cock untilIfeel her jerk against me and clench my dick inside her.Icome inside her with a final hard thrust against her ass and then frantically jerk against her, my dick trying to get deeper.Alwaysdeeper inside her.

“Ifuckinglovefucking you.”



Whydidn’tIput on pajamas afterIgot out of the shower last night?

Ihate thatIknow the answer.AndIhate even more that it’s becauseIwas horny, and ifIcouldn’t haveJackson’shands on me,Iat least wanted the feel of his thousand thread count sheets all over my body.AndmaybeIhad some crazy hope he would come to my room and want to sleep with me again.

Whenhe said we should keep doing what we were doing, how wasIsupposed to know what that meant?Didhe mean sex on bales of hay under the moonlight or virtual strangers pretending to be in love?

Iguess he answered that question last night.Thefarm wasn’t a onetime thing.Jacksonwants me.Hetold me he loves fucking me.Hesaid it during sex, soIdon’t know exactly how much to believe it.Buthe said it.Andwhat’s the point of lying in this situation?Hehas a guaranteed end date, so he doesn’t even have to deal with a real breakup or a clingy girlfriend.Becausethis isn’t real, andI’mnot his girlfriend.

Butwhatever this is and whatever this can’t be,Jacksonwants me.AndIwant him, too.Iwant him more than anything.Iwant all of him.AndI’mgoing to take whateverJacksonwill give me for as long as he wants to give it to me, however pathetic that makes me.

Hetold me he could fuck me forever.Butforever is a long time.Alot longer than two months, probably less.Probablya lot less.

ThewayJacksontouches me doesn’t feel like goodbye.Itdoesn’t feel like the last time.ButIknow it doesn’t get to be forever.It’sonly a little more time.Days, minutes, hours before this all ends.Butitisgoing to end.Itdoesn’t matter whatIwant.

“Selena?Areyou listening?”Jackson’sfrowning at me.BecauseI’msupposed to be listening instead of worrying about thingsIcan’t have.

“Wow.Thatsounds like a pretty big deal.”

“Yeah.That’sthe point.Thestudio wants to make a big deal about the announcement.Thefirst movie doesn’t come out for three years, so the plan is for a snowball approach to the press.Justkeep getting bigger and bigger until the premiere.”

Threeyears.Themovie doesn’t come out for three whole years.I’llbe long gone fromJackson’slife by then.Ionly get a couple more weeks with him before this is all over.That’swhatIagreed to.AndIhate myself for being jealous, thinking about the lucky woman who’s going to beJackson’sdate to the premiere.Anothermodel?Anactress?Maybehis new co-star?Idon’t have any right to be jealous.

ElishaBellis stunning.Tallwith long blonde hair and green eyes.She’sthe kind of woman who someone likeJacksonshould be with.Thetwo of them would look so tall and beautiful together on a red carpet.Noone within a mile radius would be able to take their eyes off of them.


“Hmmm… what?”

“Iasked you if you were okay?”

I’mwrapped up inJackson’sarms as we lie in his bed.

“I’mfine.Iwas just thinking.”

“Thinkingabout what?”

“Doesit really make sense for me to go with you to the announcement?Maybeyou should just go by yourself?”

“Ofcourse, you should come with me.Ineed you there, baby.”

“Right.BecauseifI’mnot there, the press might notice and write that we’re over.Andthat might draw attention from the announcement.”Over.Itkills me to even say the word out loud.

“So, you’ll come?”


I’llgive him everything.Evenif it’s going to kill me in the end.
