“See, it’s not as easy as it looks!”

“Whothe hell designs these things?”

“Idon’t know.ButI’mgrateful to whoever they are.”

“Me, too.Youlook so pretty when you come.Anythingthat makes you come like that is a good thing in my books.”Irun the back of my knuckles along her skin, from between her breasts to between her legs. “Areyou ready for me, baby?”

Whenshe nods,Ipull her right leg up, bending it at the knee.ThenIpull it past me and flip her onto her stomach.Islide my arm under her breasts and pull her up.Shepresses against the bed until she’s on her hands and knees in front of me.Butthen she giggles.

Laughingis not whatIwas going for right now.

“Whatthe hell is so funny?”

“Itjust reminded me of when you tried to give me theHeimlichmaneuver, that first night that you came to my place.”

“ThetimeItried to save your life?Heroically, mightIadd.”

“That’snot exactly howIremember it.”

“Well, not everything they teach you how to do on movie sets is useful in real life.Alot of it’s just to look good.Speakingof looking good…” reaching my arm under her,Itug her to the left so we’re not facing the headboard anymore.

Now, we’re facing the massive floor-length mirror my decorator put on the opposite wall next to the walk-in closet.Leaningdown,Ikiss her ass and then let my palm fly in a hard smack in the same spot, rocking her forward on her knees, and making her tits bounce.AndIsee every inch of her jiggle in front of me in the mirror. “Ipromised you the next timeIspanked you,I’ddo it in front of a mirror soIcould see your tits bounce.They’refucking majestic.Theyshould be carved into the side of a fucking mountain.”

Shegiggles and then frowns back at me in the mirror. “Whatwas that even for?”

“Forsneaking off and using your vibrator without me.”

Hereyes meet mine in the mirror, and she looks pissed. “Excuseme?Youdon’t want me to use my freaking vibrator?”

“Youcan use your little toy whenever you want.Ijust expect you to tell me soIcan watch.”

Shelets out a little noise that’s half whimper and half growl.Thoseare my terms, and she’s just going to have to get used to them.Ifshe’s coming,I’mfucking watching it happen.Andlicking up the mess.


ThenIrememberIwas wearing a towel whenIcame in here and didn’t bring a condom with me.Reachinginto the bedside table drawer,Isilently thankMargritfor keeping this house running.Andapparently keeping my guests stocked with condoms.Assoon asIput the condom on, my hands are on the sides of her ass, pulling her back into me.Islide into her slowly, inch by torturous inch untilI’mfilling her up.Ican feel her stretching around my dick, andItake my time, letting her body work to let me all the way in.

“Yougood, baby?”


Ipull back and then slide into her again in long, even strokes.

“Playwith your nipples,”Iorder her.

Shedoes as she’s told.JusthowIlike.


Theonly sound in the room is the rhythmic, wet smacking of my hips and balls against her ass and both of our moans.

“Icould fuck you forever.I’mnever going to get tired of fucking you.”

Shestills against me, andIknow thatI’vesaid the wrong thing.

Thenshe moves against me again. “Makeme come again,Jackson.”

“I’llmake you come, baby,”Igrunt, asIthrust into her. “Tellme you’re mine, baby.Allmine.”