“Doyouwantme to come back to your house?Whatwere you thinking?Isit going to look weird ifIgo home right now?”

No, that wasn’t whatIwas thinking.Iwasn’t thinking about anything other than the fact thatIwant her at my house.Iwant her with me, andIwant to touch her again likeIdid last night.Iwant to kiss every inch of her until she’s screaming my name.Iwant it to feel normal and natural to reach out and take her hand.Iwant this distance between us to be gone.

“Yeah, maybe you could come back to the house with me and stay overnight tonight?Justuntil we get the contract signed tomorrow.Ijust want to make sure the optics look good.Idon’t need any bad press right now.AndIcan have someone go pick stuff up from your place if you need anything else…”

“Nope.I’mall good.Ican stay over, if that’s what you need.Yourhouse is big enough.Youwon’t even know thatI’mthere.”

Iwant to know that she’s there.Iwant to roll over in the night and reach out for her and have her be there.I’mnot ready to go back to not havingSelenain my bed.

Ithought last night changed things between us.ButmaybeIscared her away?Ithought she liked it as much asIdid.Damnit,Imade sure she was into it every step of the way.Butmaybe it was too much for her?Whythe hell didIhave to spank her like that?Maybeshe just wasn’t into it?

Ormaybe she fucked the movie star and now that she can cross that off of her bucket list, she’s over this whole thing?Itwouldn’t be the first time having sex with me was like aMonopolyproperty for the woman to collect.ExceptIdid not pass go and did not collect two-hundred-dollars.Atleast whenIdate actresses and models,Idon’t feel like they’re mentally ticking an item off their to do lists before they get back to their real lives.AndIdidn’t think that’s what was going on withSelenauntil this morning.

EvenbeforeValcalled, something was off between us.It’slike we’ve lost something, andIdon’t know how to get it back.

“Okay.Whateveryou need.Ishouldn’t need anything from my place.Ihave my suitcase.Butif you need me to go anywhere special, thenImight need to pick some stuff up.”

“Sure, orIcan order you whatever you need.”

“Idon’t need you to buy me anything.I’msureIhave everythingIneed, orIdo at home.”

“Whatdo you feel like for dinner tonight?Thereprobably isn’t much here, since no one knew we’d be coming back today.So,Iwas thinking takeout?Whatdo you feel like ordering?”

“Idon’t really care.Whateveris fine with me.”

“Youdon’t seem to care about much, all of a sudden.”

Andthat’s whenIpiss her off so badly that she won’t even talk to me.Selenagoes to the guest room and hides from me as soon as we get home.UntilIorderThaidelivery, and the smell of pad kee mao with tofu and spring rolls finally makes her come out and look at me.

Aftera dinner that starts awkwardly and doesn’t get any better,Ineed to burn off some energy from all this tension. “I’mgoing to go for a swim.Wantto join me?”Naked?Thenaked part goes without saying.

“No, thanks.I’mgoing to go… read for a bit,” she announces as she takes her dishes into the kitchen.

“Okay.Soundsgood.Ifyou change your mind,I’llbe in the pool.”Witha hard on… thinking about you wet and naked in my arms.Thatpart goes without saying, too.

“Okay.”Shebarely looks at me as she flees the kitchen.Idon’t know how much more of her ignoring meIcan take.

Afterforty-five minutes of hard laps, withOatswatching me swim from one end of the pool to the other from his perch on a lounger,I’mstill full of tension.WhenItry to peek in the guest room blinds,Ican’t see anything other than my reflection.

Aftertaking a shower and jerking off,Ithrow a towel over my hips and head for the kitchen to scrounge up something sweet to eat instead of fuckingSelenalikeIwant.WhenIwalk pastSelena’sbedroom door on the way to mine,Ihear something strange.

Whatthe hell is that damn buzzing?

I’msure as hell going to find out.



Theguest room door is closed, butIdon’t bother knocking.Knowingshe’ll just tell me to go away,Idon’t give her the chance.

“Whatare you doing?”Iask, leaning back against the doorframe.

“Nothing?Goingto sleep.I’mtired.”

“It’sseven o’clock and you’re in bed?”
