“I’vebeen the big brother sinceIwas seventeen.”Jarretsays before pulling me into a tight hug and slapping my back a few times. “Havea safe flight.”

“I’mcoming back.Ipromise.”

“We’llsee you soon then,”Jarretmutters.Hedoesn’t look like he believes it.

WhenIget back from talking toJarretand my dad,IfindSelenaasleep on the porch swing withOatslying across her legs.AndIfeel like a selfish piece of shit for barely letting her get any sleep last night.

“Heythere, sleeping beauty.”

Shelooks so pretty lying there asleep in her favorite place.Ihate to wake her up, butIdon’t have a choice.Weneed to get back toL.A.

“Baby, can you wake up for me?”Whenshe doesn’t move,Ipress my hand on her shoulder to wake her up.

Whenthe porch swing creaks, she presses up against the pillows to sit up and then looks around like she’s confused. “IthinkIfell asleep.”

“Lookslike.SorryItook so long.Didyou get everything packed up?”

“Yup,I’mall ready to go.”

“Okay.Theplane’s all fueled up and ready to go, too.I’llput your bags in the truck, and then we can head out.JarretandJensenare going to drive out to the airport later and pick up the truck.”


She’squiet the whole way to the airport.

“Inever said goodbye to anyone… that’s so rude.”

“Nobody’sgonna think you’re rude.Theyknow it’s my fault rushing you out of there.”Theyknow everything’s my fault.

“Areyou sure?Dowe have time to go back?Andinto town to say goodbye toLily?”

“Sorry.We’vegot to get back toL.A.”

Shelooks crushed at my words.

“Selena,Ijust want to say thank you.Foreverything.Ireally appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the last few weeks.Iknow it was asking a lot.”

“Doyou know what’s going to happen when we get back toL.A.?Howdoes the whole breakup thing work, exactly?”

Ilet out a bark of laughter to cover the way her words punch me in the gut. “Thatdesperate to be rid of me?”

“No, of course not.”Hervoice sounds sharp and unnatural. “I’mjust making conversation.”

“Idon’t think we need to change anything… for a while.Itwouldn’t look great if the casting news gets overshadowed by my personal life.”Itake my eyes off of the road ahead of us to look at her. “So, if it’s okay with you,Ithink we should keep doing what we’ve been doing for now.Isthat… okay with you?”

Shenods, but there’s a frown on her face, and her hazel eyes look a stormy brown. “Whateveryou need.Imean, whatever’s best for your career or whateverValsays to do is fine.That’swhatIsigned up for, right?”

Awhoosh of air escapes my lungs thatIdidn’t even knowIwas holding onto. “Good.So, everything will just stay like it is.Andwe’ll figure out the rest later.”

“Sure.”Idon’t like the sound of her tone at all.

Thingsdon’t get any better in the three hours we take to get back toL.A.Ibet we don’t say ten words to each other the whole damn flight.I’venever wishedOatscould talk so much in my life.

Flyingprivate, you’re not supposed to have awkward flights when you can’t talk to the person sitting next to you.Thewoman sitting next to me isn’t some stranger.Iknow her.AndIgot to know every inch of her body last night.Butdamn if it isn’t awkward sitting here next to her, neither of us saying anything.

“Youdon’t need to come in.Whenyou drop me off at my place.”

“Ithought you’d come back to my house.”