Page 93 of Seal My Fate

Saint laughs. “That’s hardly motivation,” he points out, as I back away, feet bare in the warm sand. “You’re the one with the sweet tooth.”

I smirk. “I didn’t say it had to be on the menu.”

With that parting shot, I take off, sprinting for the water. But I barely make it a few paces before Saint sweeps me up, throwing me over his shoulder and wading the rest of the way into the shallows. “Victory is mine!” He drops me with a splash, and the water closes over my head in a rush, cool and refreshing against my naked body.

I surface, laughing. “Somehow, I think I’ll be the one winning in this bet,” I tell him, drawing closer.

“Let’s call it a tie.”

Saint wraps his arms around me, kissing me slow and sweet. The tide swells around us, and I lose myself in the joy of this moment, with him.

Always him.

My heart suddenly pounds in my chest, and I know exactly what I’m supposed to do next. “Yes,” I tell him, pulling back.

Saint looks puzzled. “Yes to what?”

I feel giddy, but my smile has never felt wider as I loop my arms around his neck, beaming up at him. “Yes, I’ll marry you. If the offer is still open,” I add, laughing.

Saint’s jaw drops. “Yes, it is. A thousand times, yes.” He kisses me again, lifting me up and spinning me around, sending splashes of water glittering in the sun. “I mean it, Tessa,” he adds, setting me down, and cradling my face in his hands. “I’ll love you, forever.”

“Forever,” I agree, flushed with happiness. Who could have known that a journey which began under the shadowy spires of Oxford, fueled with anger and vengeance, could have led me here: standing in the sunshine with this incredible man, sharing a love filled with trust, and tenderness, and—yes—a passion that I never imagined was possible.

And our forever has only just begun.




I know what you’re hiding.

The note arrives in a heavy cream envelope, delivered to my home address in the regular morning’s post. I think it’s a wedding invitation or PR mail before I tear it open. Now, I stare at the single line of printed text, chills running down my spine.

Who sent it? I search the envelope for clues, but there’s nothing else marked on the paper, no clue or hint where it came from. Just those five little words, that have the power to bring my world crashing to the ground.

Someone knows my secret.

And they want me to know it, too.


Imogen’s story is coming… But what secret is she hiding, and how far will the mystery letter-writer go to expose her?

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Desire is a powerful thing.