Page 62 of Seal My Fate

“Youdo,” she says quietly, and gets up from the laptop.

I pause. “What do you mean?”

“You will expose them. You and Saint, together.”

I begin to get a very bad feeling. Even more when Wren tugs a duffel bag into view and takes a passport from the front pocket.


She gives me a tired smile. “This is where I leave you. I confirmed the data, I’ve highlighted everything incriminating in that file. You don’t need me anymore.”

“Of course we need you!” I cry. “Tell her, Saint,” I turn to him, only to find Saint doesn’t seem surprised by this development at all.

“I can’t stay trapped here, waiting for this to go away,” Wren explains. “I feel like I’m stuck in a prison.”

“A prison with a personal chef!” I exclaim.

“I can’t take it,” Wren says quietly. “I can’t sleep, I can hardly eat. I’m just waiting for them to find me again. Or even worse, come after you. I need to be far, far away from Ashford. Being on the run before was bad, but at least I could sleep at night, knowing that nobody was looking for me.”

Saint places a hand on my arm. “Just listen to her, Tessa. She’ll be somewhere safe, I’ve arranged everything.”

“You knew about this?” I wrench away, furious. “Have you been planning it behind my back?”

“Tessie, please.” Wren interrupts me. “This is my choice. I asked Saint to help get me out of here, and back into hiding again. I’ll use my old fake identity, and go off the grid again, at least for a little while. Once you manage to expose Ashford, then things will be different. But for now… It’s for the best. It’s the only way I’m going to feel safe, if nobody knows where I am. Not even you,” she adds.

“Wren…” I stare at her, tears already stinging in the corner of my eyes. I can’t lose her, not again.

“You won’t lose her,” Saint say, knowing exactly what I’m thinking. “She’ll take a burner phone, and check in all the time. Now we have the proof, it won’t be long until this is over.”

“But… I’ll miss you,” I say tearfully.

Wren pulls me into a hug. “I’ll miss you, too. This is just temporary. Please try to understand.”

I hold her tightly. I can’t understand. I grieved her for so long, and now she’s saying she wants to disappear, again? “We’re so close to the end,” I try to reason with her. “We could take this evidence to the authorities tomorrow! What if you get on a plane, and in a couple of days, it’s all over?”

“Then I’ll get on another plane, and come right back,” Wren reassures me. “But this isn’t my fight anymore. It was never supposed to be, but I’ve played my part. You’ve always been the strong one, Tess, not me. You can finish this. I’ll just be in the way.”

“That’s not true.” I sniff, my heart aching.

“It is. And I’m OK with that,” Wren gives me a pale smile. “Because I know you’ll give ‘em hell.”

I hold her for as long as I can, until she finally releases me. “Where are you going?” I ask, as she checks her things.

Wren shakes her head. “It’s safer if you don’t know.”

“Will you at least let us take you to the airport?” I ask.

She smiles. “I’m counting on the ride. And help picking my snacks. The fridge here is better than the concession stand!”

We helpWren pack up her things, and then Saint drives us to the airport; Wren still anxiously watching out behind is for anyone following. I hold her hand tightly the whole way, hoping she’ll change her mind, but when we pull up outside Departures, I can see, Wren’s already thinking two steps ahead. She seems calmer suddenly, more focused. After all that time spent in hiding, alone, it’s clear that’s how she feels most comfortable.

Being cooped up, waiting for Ashford to strike, has only trapped her with her demons. Now, I hope she can find some space to breathe again.

“You promise you’ll call?” I demand, standing with her on the curb. She’s got a baseball cap pulled low over her eyes, bundled up in a nondescript green parka and boots.

“As soon as I get settled, and find a way to do it safely,” she nods, then gives me an affectionate smile. “I’m proud of you, you know. Going after these guys, fighting to do the right thing… I’m lucky to have you as my sister.”

“Now you’re going to make me cry again,” I sniffle, pulling her in for another quick hug. “OK, go, before I throw you in the trunk and take you back to Sebastian’s myself. Travel safe.”