Page 37 of Second Chances

“It wouldn’t hurt to try. If that’s what you really want.”

I smiled. “Who knows?” I saw the very top of her tattoo peek out of her shirt. “Maybe I will look into some places and see if anyone would give me some chair time.” I pulled my hand away from hers, so I could finish my food. “Anyway, we don’t leave until tomorrow, but I don’t think we’ll be doing anything today. The ground is icy, and with the way the wind was last night, there might be trees down.”

“I know you like to be active, but I am perfectly happy with sitting inside all day, staying warm, and relaxing by the fire.” She looked over at the pile of wood. “I think we have logs to last us a week.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, maybe I didn’t have to bring so much inside, but we didn’t know when we’d have heat again.”

“This is true.” She shuddered. “I am glad that we don’t have to worry about that. It was so cold last night.”

“Uh…yeah…speaking of that, thank you for everything. You know you saved my life last night, right?”

She blushed. “I don’t know about that.”

“I do.” I looked over at the couch. “How did you get me on the bed anyway?”

“I dragged you on a blanket and smacked your face until you woke up enough to help me get you on the bed.”

I burst out laughing. “You’re joking.”

She smiled over her coffee cup she’d just picked up. “Nope.”

“I do not remember that at all.” I shook my head. “You’re amazing.”

She blushed again. “That I agree with.”



One would think that being stuck in the house all day would make the time move more slowly. But that didn’t seem to be the case.

My mom had called me the night before when she heard about the storm, so I called her back after breakfast. We talked for a while, and I told her about my trip. I didn’t tell her the severity of what had happened with Liam because I knew she would worry about me even though the storm was over.

After lunch, Liam worked out while I read a book on my phone in the bedroom. Watching him exercise had been too distracting. However, I must have been tired because before I knew it, I was waking up with my phone in my hand.

I was still groggy and didn’t feel like getting up yet, so I got on social media and spent way too much time scrolling through posts. And soon, it was time for dinner.

When I walked out of the bedroom, I didn’t see Liam anywhere. I called his name for some reason even though I could see all four walls of the place. I checked the bathroom even though the door had been open when I left the bedroom, and I looked out back. He had talked about how he had brought up too much wood, and I checked to see if he was taking some back down.

He wasn’t on the deck, but I did notice the sun was out, and the snow had melted. It looked nice out there, but I could tell by how cold the glass was that it wasn’t warm outside.

I was just about to check the front when Liam came through the door, carrying the box filled with wine we had picked up yesterday.

“I was wondering where you were,” I told him.

He kicked the door closed with his foot and carried the case into the kitchen. “I thought we could have wine with dinner, and then we could finish our movie.”

“Good idea. Thanks for bringing it in. When I was looking for you, I thought maybe you had gone into the hot tub again,” I told him with a laugh because the thought was ridiculous. I didn’t think he’d be that daring and foolish.

“Oh yeah, I did that while you were taking a nap.”

My mouth dropped open.

Liam chuckled. “What?”

“It’s freezing outside.”

“Technically, it’s over forty degrees out there, and since freezing is thirty-two or below, it’s not freezing.”