Page 50 of Second Chances

He’d been there for her as no one else had when Jordan passed. Not just fixing stuff but letting her literally cry on his shoulder. She knew he was a womanizer and a commitment-phobe, but to her, he was simply Nate.

Piper continued to watch the two men outside as their argument heated up. One might be worried they would hurt each other, but even though they were trying to act tough, both of them were smiling. Nate swiped his shirt off over his head, and Luke did the same. They looked like they were getting ready to brawl.

Both men were tall and nicely built. Very nicely built. Luke Long was half-Asian and already had a tan that she wouldn’t get if she sunbathed every day of summer. His dark hair was wet with sweat, and she could almost see laughter gleaming in his brown eyes. But that wasn’t the only thing gleaming on him. The sun shone off the ring he wore on the third finger of his left hand, telling all single women that this man was taken.

And Nate…well, Nate was pure sex on a stick. She might have been married when she met him, but she hadn’t been blind. Nate was a mix of African American, Mexican, and Caucasian. He wasn’t extremely dark, but his beautiful, bronzed skin definitely showed his mixed heritage. And thanks to his recessive genes, he had the lightest crystal-blue eyes that stood out from his tan complexion. He was just over six feet, and on his left arm, he sported a collection of tattoos. He kept his head clean-shaven, yet his face wore a sexy layer of stubble.

As a woman, she’d never understand why a man would shave one part of his head but not the other. She wasn’t complaining though. It looked good on the man. And, if her libido hadn’t died along with Jordan, she’d probably be drooling.

Actually, noprobably. She would have been. Piper had always loved sex, and if she were single, she’d be hitting on Nate daily. But she was a widow with a dead sex drive and now only appreciated attractive men from a more objective point of view.

There was a knock at her front door just as Nate crouched down, put his shoulder into Luke’s abdomen, and lifted the other man off the ground.

“Hello? Piper?”

“Back here,” she called out to Elise Long, Luke’s wife. “Hurry. You have to come see this.”

Piper’s office was directly off the dining room, so she had a view straight through to the kitchen. She watched as Elise set down a couple of bags from the local fast food place and then scrambled in to join Piper at the window.

Elise’s belly bumped against the window as she practically pressed her nose to the glass. “Oh my God, what are they doing?” she asked with a laugh.

Piper shrugged. “Fighting.”

“Put me down, motherfucker,” Luke shouted loud enough for the two women to hear.

“I swear, those two act like children when they’re together,” Elise said. “I think it’s because they’ve known each other since they were kids. It’s like part of them can’t grow up.”

Nate set Luke down. He wasn’t rough, but he wasn’t gentle either. He dropped Luke on his ass, but Luke must have been ready for Nate because, before Nate could straighten, Luke pulled him to the ground and put some sort of wrestling move on him.

Elise was still chuckling, but she sighed. “We’d better go out there.”

“Were they like this when they fixed up your house?” Piper asked as the two of them went to the dining room and then out the sliding glass door.

She curled her lip. “Yes. I’m pretty sure it took months longer than it should have to finish. I’d complain, but they worked for free, and it’s obvious they love fighting with each other. Who am I to deny them their fun?”

They stepped down from the deck.

When their feet hit the grass, Elise shouted out, “Food’s here, boys.”

Piper snickered at the other woman’s use of the wordboyswhen the two were obviously more than men.

Both guys froze at Elise’s announcement and looked over at the women.

“Hi, honey.” Luke grinned. He threw Nate’s leg off of him and rolled up onto his knees. He was about to stand when Nate wrapped his arm around Luke’s neck and pulled him back to the ground.

Elise made a sigh of annoyance, but she smiled. She approached the two men and raised her brow. “Nate?”

Nate looked up at Elise, smiling as he used his other hand to pull his arm around Luke tighter. “Hi, Elise. How can I help you?”

“Can you let go of my husband?”

“Yeah, asshole. Your dick is rubbing on my ass,” Luke complained.

“No can do, sweetie,” he said to Elise while he lifted his hips and brushed himself against Luke even more.

Piper put her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

“Gross, dude,” Luke shouted and tried to get away while simultaneously reaching back to punch his friend.