Oh my god. I hadsexwith Aidan.
And not just any sex but the best I’ve ever had in my entire life. Taking a deep breath, I roll over. Only to find his side of the bed is empty. I reach over. The pillow beneath my hand is cold. I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed. Maybe a little of both. But mostly relieved because it gives me time alone.
Except being alone only makes my mind spin with too many thoughts all at once. It’s overwhelming. I need to focus on something else. Jumping from the bed, I make my way to the bathroom for a shower. There’s a twinge of pain between my thighs. Aidan isn’t a small man and it’s been a while. There aren’t a lot of options in Burtonport. And even if there were, I wouldn’t have slept with any of them. The village is too small and I never had the desire to be the subject of local gossip. Of course, leaving to marry Aidan no doubt has everyone talking.
I tie my hair up to keep it from getting too wet and step under the spray of warm water letting it beat down on my back soothing some of the aches. Once I’ve washed up, I throw on a pair of leggings and a comfy shirt. My stomach rumbles, begging for food. Do I dare wander into the kitchen and hope I don’t pass Aidan? Based on the dim light filtering into the room, it’s still early. In fact, I’m not sure the sun’s fully risen yet.My stomach growls again making the decision for me. I’ll have to risk it. I’m starving.
The hallway is empty as I make my way through the common room and out of the wing toward the kitchen. My luck holds, because all is quiet. Even it’s empty. I don’t want to be presumptuous and help myself to anything.You’re marrying Aidan, and for the moment, this is your house, too. No one will care. Right. With that, I get a few things from the fridge and search for a frying pan.
“Found you.” I grab two from the cabinet and raise them up like they’re some prize.
I’ve got potatoes cooking in one pan and eggs in the other when Nora walks in.
“Good morning,” I greet her. “I hope you don’t mind that I took over the kitchen this morning. I woke up starving and figured I’d help out.”
“Thank you, Sorcha. Don’t get me wrong, I love cooking, but it’s kind of nice to have someone else prepare a meal for a change.” She helps herself to something to drink.
“Well, I’m happy to help any time. I’ve been cooking for the boys and Aisling since my Mum died five years ago, so I understand how good it feels when someone else takes over once in a while.” I stir the potatoes and eggs so neither burn.
“Is there something I can do?” Nora asks.
I wave my hand. “You just make yourself comfortable or go take care of anything you have to do.”
She hesitates. “Are you sure?”
I twist at the waist to glance back at her and smile. “Positive.”
“Thank you.” She finishes off her juice, puts the glass in the dishwasher, and disappears. I hum while I continue cooking. Nearly everything is finished by the time the kids stroll in. I glance over at them.
“Good morning. Will one of you set the table, please?”
Aisling comes to stand at my side and I bend to kiss the crown of her head. “Did you sleep better last night?”
She nods. “A little. I still miss my fairy forest though. When will you draw it again?”
“I’ll have Aidan take me into town later today and I’ll look at what paint I can find. Then, maybe you and I can get started on sketching it out tomorrow, what do you think?” My days are free to be filled with whatever I want to do. A fact I’m still not used to.
“Yippee,” Aisling exclaims and dances around.
Laughing, I transfer all the food into serving bowls. “All right boys, breakfast is ready. Take this into the dining room for me, will you?”
Kellen and Carson each grab a bowl and I take the two remaining ones then we head to the next room. The three of them take their seats.
“Shoot, I didn’t get any drinks.” I turn back to the kitchen and collide with a hard body with an “oof”.
Familiar hands steady me as the woodsy smell that’s quickly becoming a favorite wafts around me. Right behind it is the strong scent of whiskey. I glance up at Aidan and my lips turn down. Bloodshot eyes scan my face. His hair is rumpled like he’s run his fingers through it a thousand times. He’s also wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday only they’re far more wrinkled.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine. Just didn’t get much sleep,” he says.
“Why not?” I worry my fingers together. Especially since our epic marathon fucking session last night should have exhausted him. It had me.
“Just thinking about things.” With those cryptic words Aidan walks toward the kitchen. Of course, I follow. Not only because it had been my original destination any way.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask hesitantly.
He gets a glass from the cabinet and fills it with water from the filtering pitcher in the fridge. I stand there while he drinks the entirety of it, my stomach swirling with nerves and that heavy, uncomfortable sensation burning inside. He refills the glass and leans against the counter. Knots of anxiety tighten. Finally his eyes meet mine. “Not yet.”