Page 46 of Aidan

That stubborn tilt in Sorcha’s jaw only sharpens. “It doesn’t feel right.”

I throw up my hands and spin away with a growl before I pivot and crowd her against the wall. Her eyes widen. My chest bumps up against hers and her head is caged in between my forearms. I lean in until my forehead rests against hers. Her lashes flutter before closing. “This is an argument you’re not going to win against me. If you really don’t want to try and open your own gallery or go back to art school, then that’s one thing. But if you’re only refusing because of the cost, then you need to get over it. You don’t have to do everything yourself anymore. Opportunities you and the kids have never had before are open to you. All you have to do is take them.”

Sorcha’s takes in a shuddering breath. “You know, it’s really not fair of you to use my weakness against me. And I’m an idiot for admitting I have one.”

I caress her cheek with my fingertip. Her skin is soft and smooth. I rub the end of my nose against hers and she trembles. “What weakness is that?” I murmur and run my lips over the side of her face and along her jaw.

She tilts her head slightly and I kiss my way down her neck.

“That,” she whispers, her voice breathy and sexy as fuck.

“You mean this?” I suck lightly on her skin, nip it with my teeth, and soothe the sting with my tongue.

Sorcha murmurs something unintelligible and moans. A sound that goes straight to my cock. I grind against her and slip my leg between hers. The voice inside my head reminds me where we are, but an overriding need is much louder. She shudders and one of us must have some sense, because she’s whispering in my ear.

“We have to stop.” Except her actions are saying something entirely different as she rubs her sweet, hot core against my thigh. “Aidan.”

Finally, her words penetrate the haze of lust. We’re dry fucking in the middle of the hallway where anyone could walk by. Sorcha would be mortified if she’s seen. With every ounce of control I have, I pull myself away. Her face is flushed and the skin along her neck is even redder, either from my facial hair or my mouth. Beneath her shirt, pebbled nipples tempt me. I adjust the throbbing hardness behind my zipper.

How the hell am I going to lie in the same bed with her tonight and not fuck her?

I brush the hair off Sorcha’s face and she stares up at me. Slowly, her lips turn up. “You’re an evil, evil man tormenting me like that. But you win.”

“You’ll do whatever it is you want with the money we have, then?”

She nods. “Yes. I’m still not sure what direction I want to go, but you convinced me to at least try.”

“I’m happy toconvinceyou to my side of any other future debates we have as well.” I drop my voice suggestively and Sorcha snorts.

“I bet you will.”



I finish brushing my teeth,dry off my mouth, and walk into the bedroom, turning the bathroom light off on my way out. Aidan is meeting with his Da so I’m alone for the moment. I read Aisling a bedtime story and checked on the boys earlier. It’s still hard to believe we’re in Dublin and living in this place. It doesn’t feel real.

Once I’m under the blankets, I prop myself up against the headboard with some pillows and get out Aidan’s laptop again. All the open tabs mock me. There’s a lot more to operating an art gallery than the few things I mentioned to him apparently. Considering the terrible job I’d been doing running the pub, I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a businesswoman.

There’s a single knock on the door before Aidan steps in.

“Still researching?” he asks as he takes his wallet out and tosses it on the desk.

“It’s a bit overwhelming to say the least.” And frustrating. “Out of curiosity, I searched for storefronts to let. I know you said not to worry about the money, and I’m trying not to, really, but some of the rent these people are charging is outrageous. Nauseating, in fact.”

He reaches up and tugs the neck of his shirt, dragging it over his head—mussing his hair—and exposing every glorious inch of his tattooed chest. The jerk is distracting me whether intentionally or not. Judging by his expression, it’s not.Just ignore it. Better said than done. I force my eyes back to the computer. “Like this one here. Yes, it’s in the center of the city on what I’ve discovered is a well-traveled street by tourists, but rent is four digits a month. And not four small digits, either.”

Aidan comes over and sits on the bed, his knee angled toward me, and his gaze focuses on the information on the screen. The woodsy scent of his cologne hits me and heat radiates off his body. His finger rolls across the touchpad as he scrolls through the listings. “Jaysus. You should just buy a building. That way you’d own it outright and wouldn’t need to worry about monthly rent. One of the families in the organization runs a construction company. They did all the renovations on the casino for us and charged us a fair cost.”

I glance at him. “You don’t think buying an entire building is excessive?”

Aidan’s eyes meet mine. “Not at all. Think about it. You’ll be the owner. If the space is bigger than you need or want, put up some walls and create a couple extra storefronts. Thenyoubecome the person who lets it out to people. Plus, any commission you make from the sales is pure profit, aside from the day-to-day operating expenses you have to pay out, which can’t be that much. Utilities, cleaners, a couple employees. I also know that, with your talent for picking out brilliant work, you won’t lack for buyers.”

Barely a second passes and I lean over to kiss him. “Thank you for always knowing the right things to say that make me feel better.”

The two dimples on either side of his mouth appear. “You’re welcome. I’m being serious about owning your own building, too. I can make a call tomorrow if you want.”

“Let me think on it.” I don’t want to make any rash decisions. Especially when there are so many other things I need to learn. Which gives me an idea. “Do you think your brother would be willing to teach me about managing books and running a business? I had no idea what I was doing with the pub. We survived the past month on pure luck. Although, considering you had to pay off Da’s debt, any luck we might have had would have run out soon.”