Page 36 of Aidan

“Come in,” the muffled reply comes through the wood.

I open the door and walk in. Finn sits behind the desk with papers strewn across it. I have no idea how he handles the chaos of it all, but it’s his system and it works for him. He glances up and his gaze homes in on the woman at my side.

“I don’t feel like we got a proper introduction yesterday.” He quickly stands and rounds the desk to give her a hug. “Welcome to the family, Sorcha.”

“Thank you so much.”

When Finn’s embrace lasts a little too long I growl. “All right, hands off.”

Far too slowly, he releases her, but he clasps her hand, kisses her knuckles, and winks before stepping back. “My brother is one lucky man.”

Sorcha’s cheeks turn bright pink and she smiles sweetly. I want to punch Finn in the face.I know what you’re trying to do. He only smirks.

“Yes, he is,” she says with a bit of sass.

“Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?” I give him a pointed glare.

“Why would I want to do that when there’s a beautiful woman nearby?” He glances over at Sorcha again. “Has he given you the grand tour of the place?”

She shakes her head. “Not yet. Unless of course you count walking from the front door to the elevator a tour. I’ll admit, it was kind of boring.”

Finn palms his chest and staggers back a few steps. “You wound me. I’ll have you know that this is only the second most boring casino in Dublin. Liam Campbell’s is the first.”

Sorcha giggles and I stare at her dumbstruck. She actuallygiggled. Is she really falling for his schmoozy charm? Is that the kind of guy she likes? Does she want me to be more like that?Why are you even worried about this anyway?It’s not as though I want her to fall in love with me. I don’t want to hurt her if—when—I can’t love her back. Then why do I have the urge to put a bullet in Finn?

A gentle hand rests against my chest and I blink back the image of my bullet-riddled brother. Sorcha stands in front of me, her body nearly pressed against mine. “Are you okay? You have this weird look on your face.”

I glance over her head at my brother who cocks his head at me and then my focus is back on who it should be. Myfiancée. “I’m fine. Just lost in thought for a second.”

“They didn’t look like they were nice thoughts. For a second I wondered if you were about to murder someone.”

Behind her, Finn coughs.

“No murdering.”At least not today. “We should get going though.”

“I’ll give you the grand tour the next time you stop by,” my brother promises.

Sorcha turns toward him. “That would be lovely, thank you.”

If anyone is going to show her around, it’s going to be me. Finn is well aware of this, but apparently he’s in the mood to fuck with me. I glare at him and promise retribution. He’s not even fazed. As though sensing the underlying tension, her gaze bounces between him and me. She steps closer and puts an arm around my waist. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

Shooting Finn a triumphant glare, we walk out of his office and to the elevator. It opens and we both step in. No sooner does the door close than a feral possessiveness washes over me. I push Sorcha against the wall and my lips crash down on hers. Her mouth opens on a gasp, and I sweep my tongue inside, tasting her surprise. I cradle the back of her head with one hand to protect it from the hard surface behind her and my other is free to roam. Instead, I keep it resting on the curve of her hip.

My fingers itch to explore every inch of her, but my brain is sending warning signals that this is Sorcha.My body isn’t getting the message as I deepen the kiss. Her hands clutch the fabric of my shirt. I can’t tell if she’s pulling me closer or trying to push me away. The elevator comes to a jerky halt and we both stumble. I break the kiss, but tighten my hold on her to keep her from falling.

The door opens, but it’s as though we’re both frozen. Our harsh breathing echoes in the small space, bouncing off the metal walls as the door closes again. Her eyes meet mine and they’ve darkened with desire, her pupils shot full. I open my mouth, but Sorcha expression shifts fiercely.

“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry,” she growls.

My teeth snap shut.I wasn’t going to, was I?Probably. Except I’m not sorry. “I have no intention of apologizing.”

She blinks. “Oh. Okay, good. Because I’m not sorry either.”


Another two seconds go by before I manage to hit the button that opens the door. It glides apart and with her spine straight, Sorcha steps out. I follow right on her heels, my cock aching with an unsatisfied need. The taste of her still lingers on my tongue and I can still feel the softness of her body beneath my fingertips. My gaze drops to her ass as she walks in front of me. I’m so fucked.

* * *